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Max Read: There Is No Such Thing as 'Politicizing' a Tragedy (Gawker)
Max Read: There Is No Such Thing as 'Politicizing' a Tragedy (Gawker)
Before he entered the theater, he purchased guns, whether legally or illegally, under a framework of laws and regulations governed and negotiated by politics; in the parking lot outside, he was arrested by a police force whose salaries, equipment, tactics and rights were shaped and determined by politics. Holmes' ability to seek, or to not seek, mental health care; the government's ability, or inability, to lock up persons deemed unstable — these are things decided and directed by politics. You cannot "politicize" a tragedy because the tragedy is already political. When you talk about the tragedy you're already talking about politics.
Max Read: There Is No Such Thing as 'Politicizing' a Tragedy (Gawker)
Jay Rosen: A Brief Theory of the Republican Party, 2012
Jay Rosen: A Brief Theory of the Republican Party, 2012
‘In so far as a political party in the United States can "decide" anything, the party decided not to have the fight it needed to have between reality-based Republicans and the other kind. And so it is having that fight now, during the 2012 election season, but in disguised form. The results are messy and confusing.’
Jay Rosen: A Brief Theory of the Republican Party, 2012
Harpers: Worst. President. Ever.
Harpers: Worst. President. Ever.
"History News Network’s poll of 109 historians found that 61 percent of them rank Bush as 'worst ever' among U.S. presidents." "I'm sure he's a great guy," right? Okay, maybe, but that's an irrelevant argument when your job is US President.
Harpers: Worst. President. Ever.