Camen Design: How to Centre and Layout Pages Without a Wrapper
When Can I Use
"Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies."
A List Apart: Articles: Supersize that Background, Please!
How to make an background image scale without using a ton of JavaScript.
Google Code: The Golden Grid
This may be worth looking into. I waffle on whether this sort of thing is ultimately a good decision — you're relying on someone else's framework, it takes a while to learn and master, and once you decide to go with it you're essentially stuck with it. But isn't that the case with any pseudo-framework developed for a website design? I should test this on a little project.
GitHub: Scaling Background by Justin Ouellette
As seen on
Keryx (X)HTML Elements Best Practice Sheet
Detailed to the point of being almost unreadable!
Shaun Inman: Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM
Ugly "Browse..." buttons be gone!
LukeW: Primary & Secondary Actions in Web Forms
"The need for these distinctions becomes moot, of course, when no secondary actions are present. Make sure you really need each secondary action on a form and don’t add them indiscriminately."
Conditional Comments for IE
New elements in HTML 5
It's about time. But when will this actually become an official recommendation? When universally adopted? And will that adoption be as awful as the previous implementations?
CSS Selectors and Pseudo Selectors
What works in which browsers.