Found 50 bookmarks
Newest Screen-scraping with WWW::Mechanize Screen-scraping with WWW::Mechanize
"Screen-scraping is the process of emulating an interaction with a Web site - not just downloading pages, but filling out forms, navigating around the site, and dealing with the HTML received as a result."
·· Screen-scraping with WWW::Mechanize
Moss Graffiti
Moss Graffiti
"This simple yet effective concoction is an old favourite of gardeners trying to encourage moss growth and provides an excellent alternative to spray paint."
Moss Graffiti
Google Answers: whistling
Google Answers: whistling
"The following are step-by-step instructions on how to whistle using your fingers."
Google Answers: whistling
The Flapper
The Flapper
A paper airplane that flaps its wings, with "just a piece of typing paper, a penny and an inch of tape."
The Flapper
Wikibooks: Lucid Dreaming
Wikibooks: Lucid Dreaming
"This book attempts to teach you the ability to have lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know that you are dreaming."
Wikibooks: Lucid Dreaming