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Keith Calder: vhxtv: We’re very proud to announce that VHX is powering the worldwide release of Indie Game: The Movie on June 12
Keith Calder: vhxtv: We’re very proud to announce that VHX is powering the worldwide release of Indie Game: The Movie on June 12
But this is it. This is where we start. Crowd-funded on Kickstarter; self-released on iTunes, Steam, and VHX. Our Edison is Steve Jobs, our Chaplin is Louis CK, our multiplex is VHX, and our Warner Brothers is Kickstarter. I hope you can be our Hitchcock, our Curtiz, our Méliès, or our Griffith.
Keith Calder: vhxtv: We’re very proud to announce that VHX is powering the worldwide release of Indie Game: The Movie on June 12
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
I was pleased to see the measured tone of the White House response to the citizen petition about SOPA and PIPA, and yet I found myself profoundly disturbed by something that seems to me to go to the root of the problem in Washington: the failure to correctly diagnose the problem we are trying to solve, but instead to accept, seemingly uncritically, the claims of various interest groups.
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
Alyssa Rosenberg: In the Wake of Trayvon Martin's Death, Fox Pulls Its Marketing for Alien Invasion Comedy 'Neighborhood Watch' (ThinkProgress)
Alyssa Rosenberg: In the Wake of Trayvon Martin's Death, Fox Pulls Its Marketing for Alien Invasion Comedy 'Neighborhood Watch' (ThinkProgress)
it’s worth interrogating why we find images of over-the-top approaches to law enforcement funny or compelling A combination of anger as pathos (vicarious justice rendered), hero worship, and making light of authority?
Alyssa Rosenberg: In the Wake of Trayvon Martin's Death, Fox Pulls Its Marketing for Alien Invasion Comedy 'Neighborhood Watch' (ThinkProgress)
Allistair Pinsof: SXSW Review: The Comedy (FLIXIST)
Allistair Pinsof: SXSW Review: The Comedy (FLIXIST)
The Comedy may be a challenging film, but it's one of the few character studies that has a clear focus and entertaining hook that will keep you invested. Heidecker was the perfect actor for this project. When he looks past his surroundings, you believe him. Sometimes making a joke is all you can do in a bad situation. For Swanson, life in its entirety is a bad situation.
Allistair Pinsof: SXSW Review: The Comedy (FLIXIST)
Brilliant Noise
Brilliant Noise
This is absolutely beautiful. "Brilliant Noise takes us into the data vaults of solar astronomy. After sifting through hundreds of thousands of computer files, made accessible via open access archives, Semiconductor have brought together some of the sun's finest unseen moments. These images have been kept in their most raw form, revealing the energetic particles and solar wind as a rain of white noise. This grainy black and white quality is routinely cleaned up by NASA, hiding the processes and mechanics in action behind the capturing procedure. Most of the imagery has been collected as single snapshots containing additional information, by satellites orbiting the Earth. They are then reorganised into their spectral groups to create time-lapse sequences. The soundtrack highlights the hidden forces at play upon the solar surface, by directly translating areas of intensity within the image brightness into layers of audio manipulation and radio frequencies."
Brilliant Noise
Terra Incognita Films: 'Into the Wild' Debunked
Terra Incognita Films: 'Into the Wild' Debunked
Not so much 'debunked', but this article calls out Krakauer on a number of conclusions and omissions from his book (and the subsequent movie). To summarize: the poison/moldy seeds theory doesn't hold water, and McCandless probably just simply starved to death. McCandless had money and a map with him on his final trek, but the book and movie omit this. Also, one of the final self-portrait photographs might have a clue as to the "injury" alluded to in his final note: one sleeve of his shirt looks armless.
Terra Incognita Films: 'Into the Wild' Debunked
The Impossible Project
The Impossible Project
I knew this was inevitable! "We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010. We have acquired Polaroid's old equipment, factory and seek your support."
The Impossible Project
The Atlantic: The Existential Clown
The Atlantic: The Existential Clown
Jim Carrey as a genius, the "representative jester of our time." "Carrey’s dream sequence of movies is a prophecy, a warning that this clanking ego-apparatus in which each of us walks around, this fissured, monumental self, half Job and half Bertie Wooster, cannot be sustained. Out of his own seemingly bottomless disquiet, Carrey writhes and reaches into the bottomless disquiet of his audience."
The Atlantic: The Existential Clown