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eMusic Q&A: Rob Sheffield
eMusic Q&A: Rob Sheffield
"To mark the publication of rock critic Rob Sheffield’s second book, an 'I Love the 80s'-style tribute to the music of his youth called Talking to Girls About Duran Duran, eMusic’s Michaelangelo Matos took a unique approach to the author interview: a jukebox jury in which music critics, rather than songs, were the focus of discussion."
eMusic Q&A: Rob Sheffield
Pitchfork Reviews Reviews: altered zones, please, cease and desist
Pitchfork Reviews Reviews: altered zones, please, cease and desist
Why Altered Zones, Pitchfork's new MP3 blog collective, is a destructive force toward artists. However: This isn't all Pitchfork's fault. An artist doesn't get on the internet without their own considerable effort. They don't have to react to coverage. Young people are inexperienced and I don't blame us for going for fame as soon as the slightest hint thereof beckons, but there's more to this than the idea that Pitchfork is trying to co-opt all the young rebels.
Pitchfork Reviews Reviews: altered zones, please, cease and desist