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Jody Rosen and Chris Molanphy: “Harlem Shake” is no. 1 after Billboard begins counting YouTube views: What this means for the future of the charts. (Slate)
Jody Rosen and Chris Molanphy: “Harlem Shake” is no. 1 after Billboard begins counting YouTube views: What this means for the future of the charts. (Slate)
YouTube crushing everything does seem like a concern. I love novelty songs, I ride hard for novelty songs—but if, suddenly, all our big hits are goofy YouTube-incubated one-offs, the novelty song will cease to be novel.
Jody Rosen and Chris Molanphy: “Harlem Shake” is no. 1 after Billboard begins counting YouTube views: What this means for the future of the charts. (Slate)
Eric Harvey: Rap Genius and Technologies of Translation
Eric Harvey: Rap Genius and Technologies of Translation
81 years later, Lomax’s quandary is a different issue. Rap Genius aims for a comprehensive archive of rap meanings, while redefining the idea of “genius” altogether. The intelligence of a single person is replaced by a self-correcting form of knowledge derived from the crowd, which often leads to populist rhetoric that papers over very real power differentials and well-established hierarchies. The site’s investors invest their venture with bold religious significance, but practically speaking, perhaps the real genius is in transsubstantiation, via a technological capacity to turn pleasurable activities into value-producing labor. It’s the same logic that fuels Wikipedia and Google search results: a free market of anonymous contributors is a vastly better information aggregator and processor than an individual human brain, and a killer app is all that’s needed to derive stable meaning from the messiness of culture.
Eric Harvey: Rap Genius and Technologies of Translation
Shanley Kane: What Your Culture Really Says (Pretty Little State Machine)
Shanley Kane: What Your Culture Really Says (Pretty Little State Machine)
The monied, celebrated, nuevo-social, 1% poster children of startup life spread the mythology of their cushy jobs, 20% time, and self-empowerment as a thinly-veiled recruiting tactic in the war for talent against internet giants. The materialistic, viral nature of these campaigns have redefined how we think about culture, replacing meaningful critique with symbols of privilege. The word “culture” has become a signifier of superficial company assets rather than an ongoing practice of examination and self-reflection.
Shanley Kane: What Your Culture Really Says (Pretty Little State Machine)
Jon Millward: Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars
Jon Millward: Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars
For the first time, a massive data set of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the world’s largest database of adult films and performers. I’ve spent the last six months analyzing it to discover the truth about what the average performer looks like, what they do on film, and how their role has evolved over the last forty years.
Jon Millward: Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars
Chris Ott: The Sheep Take a Buffalo Stance (New York Times)
Chris Ott: The Sheep Take a Buffalo Stance (New York Times)
Everyone's relationship to music has changed because of the Internet, and in a way that invalidates year-in-review summaries: We rank and file music all year long on our blogs and web magazines, in the list-drenched advertorial press, and even on our iPods. If everyone's a critic, do we still need a critics' poll?
Chris Ott: The Sheep Take a Buffalo Stance (New York Times)
Laurie Spiegel: About the Nostalgia Boom
Laurie Spiegel: About the Nostalgia Boom
Our society can't help becoming increasingly nostalgic when constantly bombarded with images remembered from our own lost youths. So a cyclic spiral is created, in which public demand increasingly opts for revivalism in place of new work, because information providers are more than happy to keep their costs low by keeping our attention focused on the past.
Laurie Spiegel: About the Nostalgia Boom
Steven Hyden: Lena Dunham, Lana Del Rey, LCD Soundsystem, and the end of indie exceptionalism. (Grantland)
Steven Hyden: Lena Dunham, Lana Del Rey, LCD Soundsystem, and the end of indie exceptionalism. (Grantland)
…the notion of indie exceptionalism (and its white, urban, and upper-class trappings) was repeatedly questioned this year, almost always by the very people who benefit from it. Indie-ness in 2012's pop culture has been depicted as an outmoded cliché, an indulgence for the rich and deluded, a jokey lyrical reference, a house of cards, and/or a pile of cool clothes for pop stars and corporations to try on and discard.
Steven Hyden: Lena Dunham, Lana Del Rey, LCD Soundsystem, and the end of indie exceptionalism. (Grantland)
Daniel Mendelsohn: A Critic's Manifesto: The Intersection of Expertise and Taste (The New Yorker)
Daniel Mendelsohn: A Critic's Manifesto: The Intersection of Expertise and Taste (The New Yorker)
what has made us all anxious about truth and accuracy in personal narrative is not so much the published memoirs that turn out to be false or exaggerated, which has often been the case, historically, but rather the unprecedented explosion of personal writing (and inaccuracy and falsehood) online, in Web sites and blogs and anonymous commentary—forums where there are no editors and fact-checkers and publishers to point an accusing finger at.
Daniel Mendelsohn: A Critic's Manifesto: The Intersection of Expertise and Taste (The New Yorker)
Lindy West: How to Make a Rape Joke (Jezebel)
Lindy West: How to Make a Rape Joke (Jezebel)
The world *is* full of terrible things, including rape, and it *is* okay to joke about them. But the best comics use their art to call bullshit on those terrible parts of life and make them better, not worse. The key—unless you want to be called a garbage-flavored dick on the internet by me and other humans with souls and brains—is to be a responsible person when you construct your jokes. Since the nuances of personal responsibility seem to escape so many people, let's go through it. Let's figure out rape jokes.
Lindy West: How to Make a Rape Joke (Jezebel)
Armond White: The Sandler Memo (City Arts)
Armond White: The Sandler Memo (City Arts)
It’s scary how the Memo makes Sandler and Murphy whipping boys, simply to sustain true Hollywood vulgarity. It perpetuates the collapse of critical thinking. When Sandler-bashing (and I don’t just mean the ludicrous Razzies, ratified only by tabloid media) turns into excoriation, it is necessary to examine the media’s cowardice and prejudices. The Sandler Memo has reduced criticism to a profession of chain letters.
Armond White: The Sandler Memo (City Arts)
Steven Hyden: Why being a pop-culture “hater” is okay (and sometimes even necessary) (The A.V. Club)
Steven Hyden: Why being a pop-culture “hater” is okay (and sometimes even necessary) (The A.V. Club)
While I’m loathe to discuss the presidential race or the existence of God with strangers or even close friends and family members, I’ll gladly enter into conversations about whether it’s plausible that Joan did what she did with the dude from Jaguar in that recent episode of Mad Men, or why my beloved Packers will return to the Super Bowl this year. And I’ll do this even if I think the other person disagrees. If we end up jousting verbally for a few hours, it’s still fairly certain that we’ll be friends at the end of the night. I wouldn’t be as confident over a difference in party affiliation or spiritual beliefs.
Steven Hyden: Why being a pop-culture “hater” is okay (and sometimes even necessary) (The A.V. Club)
Julian Sanchez: Protectionism Against the Past (or: Why are Copyright Terms so Long?)
Julian Sanchez: Protectionism Against the Past (or: Why are Copyright Terms so Long?)
Here’s an alternative hypothesis: Insanely long copyright terms are how the culture industries avoid competing with their own back catalogs. Imagine that we still had a copyright term that maxed out at 28 years, the regime the first Americans lived under. The shorter term wouldn’t in itself have much effect on output or incentives to create. But it would mean that, today, every book, song, image, and movie produced before 1984 was freely available to anyone with an Internet connection. Under those conditions, would we be anywhere near as willing to pay a premium for the latest release?
Julian Sanchez: Protectionism Against the Past (or: Why are Copyright Terms so Long?)
Anil Dash: Racist Culture is a Factory Defect
Anil Dash: Racist Culture is a Factory Defect
I believe the company has good intentions, and is run by people who do not want to be racist or to create racist contributions to culture. Nevertheless, the company made a cultural contribution that was predicated on racist ideas. It's particularly egregious to trade in racist ideas when it's not for artistic purpose or to comment on society, but to sell a product. Therefore, the most helpful thing I can do is to help them fix the broken process within their company that produced this unfortunate result.
Anil Dash: Racist Culture is a Factory Defect
Brandon Soderberg: Rappers and Same-Sex Marriage: How Much Do You Really Care? (Spin)
Brandon Soderberg: Rappers and Same-Sex Marriage: How Much Do You Really Care? (Spin)
Rappers are presented as violent, vulgar sexists and homophobes, and then they're not only expected to have fully-formed opinions on social issues, but progressive ones. This is an ugly update on the always implicit, often explicit demand that hip-hop, if it is to be lauded and celebrated, must espouse a strong, left-leaning political message.
Brandon Soderberg: Rappers and Same-Sex Marriage: How Much Do You Really Care? (Spin)
Lindsay Zoladz: Mind Is Your Might: Fiona Apple's Oversharing (Pitchfork)
Lindsay Zoladz: Mind Is Your Might: Fiona Apple's Oversharing (Pitchfork)
…the way that people have written and talked about the searing physical images of her recent performances—her sinewy muscles and berserk movements and haphazardly-scrunchied hair—suggest that she’s providing [an unexpected jolt of humanness in the ever-churning, willfully plastic cultural machine], that she's a savior for those who need one (and, to be sure, not all of us do) from these airbrush’d, cyborg’d, sea-punk’d times. Because the wild physicality of these performances reminds us of our own muscle and bone.
Lindsay Zoladz: Mind Is Your Might: Fiona Apple's Oversharing (Pitchfork)
Nitsuh Abebe: Lil B at NYU: What’s So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? (Vulture)
Nitsuh Abebe: Lil B at NYU: What’s So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? (Vulture)
Last night, the Berkeley-bred, Internet-beloved rapper Lil B gave a sold-out lecture at NYU’s Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts. It’s possible that this was a beautiful, inspiring event, at which people rallied joyously around a quirky young entertainer’s timely message of empathy and kindness. It’s also totally possible that the whole thing was an epic tragedy, in which a young man’s urgent plea for basic human dignity was repeatedly laughed at by stoned college kids who preferred to shout catchphrases at him while finding his existence hilarious. I think it mostly depended on where you sat, and who was sitting near you.
Nitsuh Abebe: Lil B at NYU: What’s So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? (Vulture)
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
People born during a dip in the birth rate grow up consuming a lot of culture that's aimed at someone older than them. People born during a boom do not do cultural apprenticeship, because everything is quickly aimed at them; they watch the things that appeal to their age group bloom and succeed, whether anyone else is interested in it or not. This is why some Americans have spent decades clutching their heads as the Baby Boom generation makes big chunks of our world revolve around itself: Large cohorts have a large gravitational pull.
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
Allison Benedikt: The mean-girl advice of What To Expect When You’re Expecting. (Slate Magazine)
Allison Benedikt: The mean-girl advice of What To Expect When You’re Expecting. (Slate Magazine)
‘”What To Expect” is, then, finally, a self-fulfilling prophesy, because what to expect as an expectant mother today is to be bombarded with information about how you are doing it wrong—whether it is carrying a baby in your womb, pushing it out, or raising it.’
Allison Benedikt: The mean-girl advice of What To Expect When You’re Expecting. (Slate Magazine)
Jon Caramanica: Rihanna and Chris Brown Appear on Each Other’s Songs (
Jon Caramanica: Rihanna and Chris Brown Appear on Each Other’s Songs (
‘If the songs were dull or disposable, they’d still be important, but they might matter less. But they’re both good, “Birthday Cake” very much so. The quality matters because they’re likely to lodge themselves in the public consciousness and seep onto radio playlists: this mess won’t just melt into the air.’
Jon Caramanica: Rihanna and Chris Brown Appear on Each Other’s Songs (