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Reframe.js is a javascript plugin that makes unresponsive elements responsive.
Jeremy Gordon: Is Everything Wrestling? (NY Times)
Jeremy Gordon: Is Everything Wrestling? (NY Times)
When everything becomes a story, the value of concrete truth seems diminished. There’s too much going on in the world to dive this deep into something as frivolous as entertainment, you might say. Worse still, you can begin to treat politics — the hammer and forge of our national reality — as a similar form of “show.” Sure, seeking out entertainment is a perfectly human impulse; it feels joyless to sharpen yourself into a hypervigilant instrument, ever ready to poke a hole in these swelling mythologies; we all know those people, who are no fun. But when we feel ourselves becoming too consumed with mastering the language of whatever unreality is currently holding our gaze, it might not hurt to consider the overarching forces subtly directing our attention and prepare ourselves to step back if we’re not comfortable with benefiting less than they do.
Jeremy Gordon: Is Everything Wrestling? (NY Times)
fronx: Underestimate your Programming Abilities
fronx: Underestimate your Programming Abilities
Doing work that doesn’t exceed your ability has traditionally been the exception for software developers. We are so used to the feeling that we can do everything, anything, but unfortunately only relatively poorly and with low predictability, that it takes conscious effort to focus on doing what you know how to do. Especially if there isn’t a lot of continuity in the type of work that you do, it can be hard to recognize that even though you are fairly certain about a technical solution you’ve chosen, you don’t know enough about it for it to qualify as a Safe Bet. In fact, most of the work programmers do lives somewhere on the spectrum between those categories. If you want others to rely on you, it is better to underestimate your abilities and overestimate risks than to go in a direction that actually involves more uncertainty than you can justify.
fronx: Underestimate your Programming Abilities
Mack Hagood: The Real Problem is Not Misinformation (Culture Digitally)
Mack Hagood: The Real Problem is Not Misinformation (Culture Digitally)
If Trump’s rallies operated according to affective dynamics, should we assume that online spaces work differently? Trump supporters did not vote for him because they were misinformed online—rather, they consumed and circulated misinformation because they loved Trump, because it was an enormously pleasurable thing to do, and because they imagined (correctly) that it drove the educated classes crazy. Like the rest of us, they deployed their abilities to reason and select information in accord with their affective investments, worldview, and sense of self. For better and for worse, digital technologies are rechanneling and amplifying these aspects of human nature that we all recognize, but have a difficult time integrating into our “infocentric” research models.
Mack Hagood: The Real Problem is Not Misinformation (Culture Digitally)
Vajra Chandrasekera: Which This Margin Is Too Small To Contain
Vajra Chandrasekera: Which This Margin Is Too Small To Contain
Some thoughts on "diversity" in sf/f and discovering that I'm apparently a "writer of colour" and all that. I never actually use these words myself, whether to refer to either myself or anybody else. Though at the same time I don't object to their use to refer to myself or anybody else either. It's complicated. … If essentialism is the pernicious idea that categories are more real than people, strategic essentialisms are a rhetorical technique when you’re aware that the essentialism in question is bullshit but you temporarily accept being identified with a category in order to achieve something, even if that something is just making a point. There are all sorts of good, practical reasons to collectivize identity in this way, but I think it works best when it’s goal-oriented and time-bound. Because when it’s not, then it can also mean just signing up to be reduced to a category for somebody else’s convenience.
Vajra Chandrasekera: Which This Margin Is Too Small To Contain
Vanilla Javascript parallax library.
Create custom passes for Apple Wallet (formerly Passbook).
Fronx: Can gender be adapted to our needs?
Fronx: Can gender be adapted to our needs?
We all participate in the propagation of gendered ideas in one way or another. Even ignoring your assigned gender and being an eclectic mix of traits that you don’t see as gendered can serve as a point of reference to people around you. Every aspect of a person can serve as a source of inspiration for others that helps unlock a part of themselves they weren’t aware of before, or it can serve as an example of what they are not. Every instance of identification is also an instance of a meme reproducing.
Fronx: Can gender be adapted to our needs?
CSS-Tricks: Add Spaces to Dock in OS X
CSS-Tricks: Add Spaces to Dock in OS X
Do this as many times as you want spaces: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'
CSS-Tricks: Add Spaces to Dock in OS X
Scott Eden: Bobby Shmurda: His Surreal Saga and Exclusive Jailhouse Interview (GQ)
Scott Eden: Bobby Shmurda: His Surreal Saga and Exclusive Jailhouse Interview (GQ)
One minute he was a hip-hop sensation starting a viral dance craze, the Shmoney Dance, and rhyming about guns and drugs and murder. The next he was locked up, indicted on a slew of charges involving… guns and drugs and murder. The government’s case against Bobby Shmurda, now heading to trial, raises all kinds of nagging questions, but none more troubling than this: Does the justice system fundamentally misunderstand the world of rap?
Scott Eden: Bobby Shmurda: His Surreal Saga and Exclusive Jailhouse Interview (GQ)
Kristi Coulter: Enjoli
Kristi Coulter: Enjoli
Is it really that hard, being a First World woman? Is it really so tough to have the career and the spouse and the pets and the herb garden and the core strengthening and the oh-I-just-woke-up-like-this makeup and the face injections and the Uber driver who might possibly be a rapist? Is it so hard to work ten hours for your rightful 77% of a salary, walk home past a drunk who invites you to suck his cock, and turn on the TV to hear the men who run this country talk about protecting you from abortion regret by forcing you to grow children inside your body?
Kristi Coulter: Enjoli
Erica Joy: Processing
Erica Joy: Processing
Though many black folks joke about it, there is no such thing as “calling in black.” To call in black would be a radical act of self care, were it available to most black people. On the day after we have watched yet another black body be destroyed by modern day slave patrols, it would be helpful for us to be able to take a day away to process. To grieve. To hurt. To be angry. To try to once again come to grips with the fact that many people in this country, especially those in power, consider us disposable at best.
Erica Joy: Processing
Jeremy Larson: Who Was the Baby on Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody?”
Jeremy Larson: Who Was the Baby on Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody?”
As with many famous samples, this coo has a storied history in pop music. The same baby has crawled its way onto several songs, from the Rascals’ “Look Around” (1969), to Prince’s “Delirious” (1982), to TNGHT’s “Bugg’n” (2012). It’s like the Wilhelm Scream of baby samples, and it even mirrors the cadence of that famed cinematic sound effect. But even the identity of the Wilhelm Screamer is known (it’s actor Sheb Wooley). Who made this baby coo? Where is this person now?
Jeremy Larson: Who Was the Baby on Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody?”
Malcolm Harris: ‘Pokémon Go’ and the Persistent Myth of Stranger Danger
Malcolm Harris: ‘Pokémon Go’ and the Persistent Myth of Stranger Danger
For as long as we’ve had kids on the Internet, we’ve worried about adults with bad intentions luring them into an in-person meeting. … The truth is that all available data sets indicate that young Americans are increasingly safe from accidental and intentional victimization alike. The people who are most likely to violate children are known to them: Acquaintances, peers, and, yes, parents. Strangers only commit 1 to 10 percent of child abuse. Almost no one wants to harm children, and the ones who do tend to target kids close to them.
Malcolm Harris: ‘Pokémon Go’ and the Persistent Myth of Stranger Danger
Gita Jackson: The Gift of Pokémon Go
Gita Jackson: The Gift of Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go probably isn't going to change the world or anything, but for the brief period of time it is in the cultural zeitgeist, it is changing my small part of it. It is a reason to leave the hovel I call home. It is a reason to go places I haven't been before. It’s a reason to see all those friends I love and miss so much. Because of Pokémon Go, I have been able to meet and pet a lot of cute dogs and if nothing else, I am grateful for that. I texted my friend, Fontaine, about this game and told her that I’m so happy to finally have my Pokémon adventure. She called the game a dream come true — and it is. It’s a childhood dream fulfilled, it’s a rope to lift you out of that hole, it’s a small joy in a world of great terrors, and I cherish the ability to see the world with fresh eyes.
Gita Jackson: The Gift of Pokémon Go
Vijay Sharma: Aligning Text Smartly in CSS
Vijay Sharma: Aligning Text Smartly in CSS
How to make a short block of text center-aligned but left-aligned when it's longer. Use `text-align: center` on the container and `display: inline-block` on the text container.
Vijay Sharma: Aligning Text Smartly in CSS