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Newest What I expect What I expect
In spite of the potential for people being ignorant or abusive with what he writes, Marco writes because ”I’m freely expressing my ideas in public, which helps me clarify my thoughts, enhance and alter my views, and improve my writing over time. I think I’m getting the better end of the deal.”
·· What I expect
a grammer: internet paradox
a grammer: internet paradox
Thoughts on the tendency of the internet to empower and break down niches. “You can be a niche, but you’re a public niche, so you can’t expect to be left alone about it, or understood on your own terms. The internet makes niches possible, but it’s also a massive space in which loads of different people communicate — and spaces like that tend to pull everyone toward the middle, developing conventions and enforcing a cultural center. So far, this hasn’t stopped plenty of corners of the internet from getting extremely insular and specialized, but it’s still a form of cultural policing on this front.”
a grammer: internet paradox
The Verge Q A: Punk Pioneer Steve Albini on Music Festivals, The Future of Radio and Why He Wants GQ To Fail: The Q: GQ
The Verge Q A: Punk Pioneer Steve Albini on Music Festivals, The Future of Radio and Why He Wants GQ To Fail: The Q: GQ
A strong perspective on music culture, the music business, and the state of things today. "Had Sonic Youth not done what they did I don't know what would have happened—the alternative history game is kind of silly. But I think it cheapened music quite a bit. It made music culture kind of empty and ugly and was generally a kind of bad influence."
The Verge Q A: Punk Pioneer Steve Albini on Music Festivals, The Future of Radio and Why He Wants GQ To Fail: The Q: GQ Facing Social Pressures, Families Disguise Girls as Boys in Afghanistan Facing Social Pressures, Families Disguise Girls as Boys in Afghanistan
In Afghanistan there is a history of parents dressing their daughters up as boys (until they reach their teens) in order to avoid embarrassment and scrutiny of a culture that values sons and treats women like shit. Fascinating, unfortunate, and like one of the article's interviewees says, just a small part of a huge web of human rights issues plaguing the nation.
·· Facing Social Pressures, Families Disguise Girls as Boys in Afghanistan
Issendai's Superhero Training Journal: How to keep someone with you forever
Issendai's Superhero Training Journal: How to keep someone with you forever
"So you want to keep your lover or your employee close. Bound to you, even. You have a few options. You could be the best lover they've ever had, kind, charming, thoughtful, competent, witty, and a tiger in bed. You could be the best workplace they've ever had, with challenging work, rewards for talent, initiative, and professional development, an excellent work/life balance, and good pay. But both of those options demand a lot from you. Besides, your lover (or employee) will stay only as long as she wants to under those systems, and you want to keep her even when she doesn't want to stay. How do you pin her to your side, irrevocably, permanently, and perfectly legally?"
Issendai's Superhero Training Journal: How to keep someone with you forever Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future
"Overall, there seems to be a critical disconnect between the way the predominantly white, male critical establishment writes about violence and misogyny—especially as it’s primarily exhibited in hip-hop, i.e., music made predominantly by black artists. Critics such as these seem uncommonly drawn to violent, misogynistic music simply because it is shocking. This thrill of novelty seems to be nothing more than a fetishization of an alien culture."
·· Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future
Chicago Tribune: It's now or never for Smith Westerns
Chicago Tribune: It's now or never for Smith Westerns
"For every Vampire Weekend or Arcade Fire that goes beyond this point, spinning online buzz into big success, there's an M's, or a Thrills, or a Clap Your Hands Say Yeah — take your pick of any blog-hyped band that once generated copious heat only to cool off considerably, partly victims of a zippy online impatience that, as Matthew Johnson, founder of Fat Possum Records, put it, 'can devour bands whole, and be done with them.'"
Chicago Tribune: It's now or never for Smith Westerns
Squashed: Truth and Patriotism
Squashed: Truth and Patriotism
"If somebody you care about is bleeding profusely, it’s not loving to insist that she’s flawless and has nothing to worry about. The loving thing is to stop the bleeding then get her to a doctor. If a guy is clearly suffering from blood poisoning, ignoring the problem isn’t loving. Instead, say, 'Dude. You need to get that looked at immediately.' Or, better yet, go with him. Do what you can to make things better."
Squashed: Truth and Patriotism
The Guardian: The hip-hop heritage society
The Guardian: The hip-hop heritage society
On the difficulty of preserving and reissuing classical hip-hop records. "The job that falls to those seeking to preserve hip-hop's past remains complex. Those doing the work need to know as much about copyright and contract law as they do about old Pete Rock B-sides, while a grounding in clinical psychology might help in dealing with the artists. It's a combination of specialisms few individuals possess, and it raises the question: just whose responsibility is it to curate the history of a culture?"
The Guardian: The hip-hop heritage society
An Open Letter to Cursor by Richard Eoin Nash | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home
An Open Letter to Cursor by Richard Eoin Nash | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home
"I’m afraid of what the systematic harnessing of communities will result in." Specifically, he's afraid that it will result in a) fans wasting their time and money and b) the artist being relegated to the sidelines while context and 'engagement' take over. Valid fears if you ask me, and exactly the sort of the thing that Matt LeMay outlines in the MBV post 'Living in the Age of Art vs Content' (
An Open Letter to Cursor by Richard Eoin Nash | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home
The Awl: Being a Hipster Is an Excellent and Wonderful Thing!
The Awl: Being a Hipster Is an Excellent and Wonderful Thing!
"People don't hate hipsters, and hipsters don't hate themselves. What people hate so much is the faux-hipsters: they hate poseurs. And because it's such an irritating thing to be having to tell the real from the fake (exactly as in the matter of overpriced European handbags), the easiest way out is simply to deny any involvement in the whole business. That is why nobody, not even someone who fervently embraces hipster culture, wants to call himself a hipster."
The Awl: Being a Hipster Is an Excellent and Wonderful Thing!
Balkinization: Copyright: The Elephant in the Middle of Glee
Balkinization: Copyright: The Elephant in the Middle of Glee
"The fictional high school chorus at the center of Fox’s Glee has a huge problem — nearly a million dollars in potential legal liability. For a show that regularly tackles thorny issues like teen pregnancy and alcohol abuse, it’s surprising that a million dollars worth of lawbreaking would go unmentioned." This is a very interesting look at the frequency with which this show (that I have never seen) addresses copyright issues without actually addressing copyright issues. And it's dead-on about the potential for a television show or other media of this popularity to effect social change in the realm of copyright perception.
Balkinization: Copyright: The Elephant in the Middle of Glee