Nitsuh, reasonable as always, dissects the clash of rockists, 'true' fans, and people who write about topics outside their wheelhouse and why it bothers us.
"To mark the publication of rock critic Rob Sheffield’s second book, an 'I Love the 80s'-style tribute to the music of his youth called Talking to Girls About Duran Duran, eMusic’s Michaelangelo Matos took a unique approach to the author interview: a jukebox jury in which music critics, rather than songs, were the focus of discussion."
Tweetage Wasteland: The Web’s Five Most Endangered Words
"Let me think about that." In other words: with a glut of information, we're trying to form opinions and take action on it all just as fast as it's coming in, and we're suffering for it.
Pitchfork Reviews Reviews: best coast and sleigh bells and feminism
On whether Best Coast's guys-treat-me-like-shit-but-I-just-keep-crawling-back lyrical content is hindering the female experience. Read all of the follow-up Tumbls and comments to get the full perspective. It would be interesting to hear Bethany herself comment on this.
And now it's all this: Climate bullshit from Forbes
"An article with a ridiculous conspiracy theory propped up by selective and dishonest quoting. Presented to us by a publication that can’t be bothered to do elementary fact checking. This is the face of climate change denial."
This Recording: In Which The City Has Ceased Its Singing
"I spoke to an economist friend about the city’s problems. 'We don’t make anything,' he said. 'We don’t produce anything. We're a service economy, and no one can afford the services.' What happens after that? I asked. 'Anarchy,' he said. 'Basically, Gaza. If only we had something to rail against except ourselves, as Arab peoples do. What a relief that must be!'"
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation
"There are many terms which refer to a state of relating to or pertaining to a certain thing or category of things. Instead of using a phrase such as 'pertaining to buttercups', you can substitute the adjective 'ranunculaceous'. Using the admittedly invented phrase 'adjectives of relation', I have compiled 842 such terms."
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
"You can try to know, and own the fact that there are things you do not know, or you can be knowing, and hide your own ignorance with sideways shots of been-there done-that familiarity. You can understand that shit happens and try your best to keep things together and accomplish something against all odds — YOU CAN DANCE, as this album begins — or you can blow up the hospital just to show everyone that at any moment anywhere, a hospital can blow up for no fucking reason whatsoever." is a total blam-blam: marathonpacks' 2008 Year-End Lengthy Write-Ups
Excellent pieces on Deerhunter's Microcastle, M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes", and Wale's "Mixtape About Nothing." Easily one of my favorite music writers. I think it's the ethnomusicology background. Consider the Lobster (David Foster Wallace)
Typically disinterested in the tourism of Maine's lobster festival, DFW gives a great history of the lobster. The bulk of the article, most interestingly, is dedicated to the ethics of boiling a living creature alive (or otherwise killing it) in order to eat it.