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kung fu grippe: On Obama
kung fu grippe: On Obama
Merlin thinks Barack has the cojones to tell us all to grow up, and I think he's right. "Thing is, I’m supporting an honest, level-headed man who seems to care about doing a good job and telling people the truth. But, I’m not supporting a poster. It’s posters we need a shit-ton less of right about now."
kung fu grippe: On Obama
The Stranger: It's a Hit, by Michaelangelo Matos
The Stranger: It's a Hit, by Michaelangelo Matos
Palin and Perry, sittin' in a tree. "She kisses a girl—sure, okay. She likes it—um, and? Oh, and she hopes her boyfriend doesn't mind, because sexual autonomy is inextricable from the male gaze, and that's fucking awesome. 'I Kissed a Girl' is infuriatingly ass-backward: cynical adherence to outdated values made into titillation, snide calculation dressed up as the underdog, the same old bullshit disguised as rebellion."
The Stranger: It's a Hit, by Michaelangelo Matos
Wikipedia: Sark
Wikipedia: Sark
The world's last feudal state. "In 1991 an unemployed French nuclear physicist named André Gardes attempted a singlehanded invasion of Sark, armed with a semi-automatic weapon. He was arrested by the Island's police officer while sitting on a bench."
Wikipedia: Sark
Harpers: Worst. President. Ever.
Harpers: Worst. President. Ever.
"History News Network’s poll of 109 historians found that 61 percent of them rank Bush as 'worst ever' among U.S. presidents." "I'm sure he's a great guy," right? Okay, maybe, but that's an irrelevant argument when your job is US President.
Harpers: Worst. President. Ever.
Harper's: "The Illustrated President" by Scott Horton
Harper's: "The Illustrated President" by Scott Horton
On Bush's favorite painting. "The president has identified closely with a man he sees as a mythic, heroic figure. But in fact he’s a wily criminal one step out in front of justice. It perfectly reflects Bush the man... and Bush the president."
Harper's: "The Illustrated President" by Scott Horton