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A fantastic music blog, with expertly crafted thematic mixes, often centered around certain periods in music. A great source for inspiration and knowledge for the music-obsessive.
The Universe as a Hologram
The Universe as a Hologram
This is insanely fascinating, and I honestly don't understand it at all. "In addition to its phantomlike nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling features. If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected." "We are really "receivers" floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram."
The Universe as a Hologram Benjamin Zander on music and passion Benjamin Zander on music and passion
"Success is how many shining eyes I have around me." And that old chestnut about never saying anything to someone that you wouldn't want to be your last communication with them. Platitudes, yes, but very good ones. The second inspirational music-related video in as many days to have moved me to tears (yesterday's Sigur Rós MoMA concert being the first).
·· Benjamin Zander on music and passion
This Recording: In Which The City Has Ceased Its Singing
This Recording: In Which The City Has Ceased Its Singing
"I spoke to an economist friend about the city’s problems. 'We don’t make anything,' he said. 'We don’t produce anything. We're a service economy, and no one can afford the services.' What happens after that? I asked. 'Anarchy,' he said. 'Basically, Gaza. If only we had something to rail against except ourselves, as Arab peoples do. What a relief that must be!'"
This Recording: In Which The City Has Ceased Its Singing
Google Code: The Golden Grid
Google Code: The Golden Grid
This may be worth looking into. I waffle on whether this sort of thing is ultimately a good decision — you're relying on someone else's framework, it takes a while to learn and master, and once you decide to go with it you're essentially stuck with it. But isn't that the case with any pseudo-framework developed for a website design? I should test this on a little project.
Google Code: The Golden Grid
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation
"There are many terms which refer to a state of relating to or pertaining to a certain thing or category of things. Instead of using a phrase such as 'pertaining to buttercups', you can substitute the adjective 'ranunculaceous'. Using the admittedly invented phrase 'adjectives of relation', I have compiled 842 such terms."
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation