Present Imperfect: Neither Aroused Nor InspiredOn crazy geniuses and products with and without imagination. "And the iPod itself is a shiny fruit fallen to earth from an enchanted tree in a mystical fairy land populated entirely by crazy geniuses."#ipod#apple#amazon#kindle#business#imagination#inspiration#ideas··Feb 4, 2008Present Imperfect: Neither Aroused Nor Inspired
Design Museum: Jonathan Ive - Celebrating 25 Years of DesignAn interview with Apple's brilliant product designer, who possesses a "fanatical care beyond the obvious stuff."#apple#mac#jonathanive#design#technology#art#ipod#inspiration#interview#creativity··Sep 18, 2007Design Museum: Jonathan Ive - Celebrating 25 Years of Design 10 Things We Can Learn From AppleIndeed.#design#inspiration#usability#apple··Aug 29, 10 Things We Can Learn From Apple