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Misérable Politics: Why Anne Hathaway Should Go-Away (Tits and Sass)
Misérable Politics: Why Anne Hathaway Should Go-Away (Tits and Sass)
Celebrities seeking to provide “a voice for the voiceless” would do well to remember that sex workers aren’t voiceless, just consistently ignored. There may well be women out there who relate to Fantine, but in reducing the experiences of all sex workers to one tale of tragic misery, Hathaway’s comments silence and dehumanize the same women she seeks to ‘help.’
Misérable Politics: Why Anne Hathaway Should Go-Away (Tits and Sass)
Jessica Olien: “Louie’s” women problem (
Jessica Olien: “Louie’s” women problem (
We’ve all been on nightmarish dates. The problem is that there is a flatness to “Louie’s” women that suggests their creator is woefully out of touch. Maybe in some roundabout way that is what he wants. When a character played by Chloe Sevigny works herself to orgasm at a coffee shop in a recent episode, Louie looks at the barista and kind of shrugs helplessly as if to say, Poor me, I had no part in this. Which is frustrating, as he’s the one writing the script.
Jessica Olien: “Louie’s” women problem (
O'Reilly Radar: Would I attend my own conference?
O'Reilly Radar: Would I attend my own conference?
Sarah Millstein on the lack of women speakers at conferences. “Because some of you aren’t like me in your choices, there are profitable conferences with speaker rosters that look like roll call for the signers of the Constitution. But conferences that want to be taken seriously by people who take other kinds of people seriously need more diversity among the speakers to thrive. And conference organizers, whose goals often include highlighting new ideas, cannot simply recycle the same short list of well-known speakers from show to show.”
O'Reilly Radar: Would I attend my own conference?
The Stranger: It's a Hit, by Michaelangelo Matos
The Stranger: It's a Hit, by Michaelangelo Matos
Palin and Perry, sittin' in a tree. "She kisses a girl—sure, okay. She likes it—um, and? Oh, and she hopes her boyfriend doesn't mind, because sexual autonomy is inextricable from the male gaze, and that's fucking awesome. 'I Kissed a Girl' is infuriatingly ass-backward: cynical adherence to outdated values made into titillation, snide calculation dressed up as the underdog, the same old bullshit disguised as rebellion."
The Stranger: It's a Hit, by Michaelangelo Matos