SubstationSubstation DIY is a free, open, and secure way to set up simple recurring payments and member messaging — as easily as pressing a remix button and adding credentials for Braintree and Mailgun. Try the demo, learn more, then remix your own!#diy#internet#art#commerce··Mar 19, 2020Substation
Kim Boekbinder: How to Be a Successful DIY Artist“Isn’t it just so great that you can do everything yourself!” say people who don’t live the reality of having to do everything themselves.#art#business#music#diy··Apr 7, 2014Kim Boekbinder: How to Be a Successful DIY Artist
monome"Adaptable, minimalist interfaces." Oh. My. God.#design#art#music#technology#sound#diy#audio#opensource#interface#electronics#hardware··Jan 11, 2009monome
Learning To Love You MoreCreative assignments. "You can do any of the assignments, in any order."#creativity#art#diy#projects#community#fun··May 5, 2007Learning To Love You More
hikaru dorodango: Shiny Mud Balls#toys#japan#art#outdoorart#diy#science#games··Jan 21, 2006hikaru dorodango: Shiny Mud Balls
bigclive: Make a cloud lamp.Swirling colors!#science#art#diy··Nov 16, 2004bigclive: Make a cloud lamp.