Rose Eveleth: Bodyhackers are all around you, they’re called women (Fusion)
I have two cyborg implants. One is in my hand, and it lets me unlock phones and doors by waving at them. The other is in my uterus, and it lets me control my own fertility.
Jason Pontin: A Feminist Critique of Silicon Valley (MIT Technology Review)
Shanley Kane challenges the assumptions and practices of the tech industry.
“We are not getting hired, and we are not getting promoted, and we are being systematically driven out of the industry.”
Sarah Millstein on the lack of women speakers at conferences.
“Because some of you aren’t like me in your choices, there are profitable conferences with speaker rosters that look like roll call for the signers of the Constitution. But conferences that want to be taken seriously by people who take other kinds of people seriously need more diversity among the speakers to thrive. And conference organizers, whose goals often include highlighting new ideas, cannot simply recycle the same short list of well-known speakers from show to show.”
FarukAt.eş: Translation of General Misogyny to Uncomfortable Truth
“I am too lazy to expand my world view to include the possibility that I may have unconsciously treated women and minorities unfairly my entire life, and it wears me out that you’re trying to get me to understand this.”