Times are tough right now. We could all use a little help with ideas to stay active, healthy & happy. We’ll gradually add more ideas so come back every once in a while. Enjoy!
Weird, fun, wonderful, or useful automated phone numbers to call? (Ask MetaFilter)
This is a great list.
There are plenty of weather numbers. There is even Dial a Buoy. Toronto Public Library has Dial-a-Story. What else is out there? This is not for pranking people.
"Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time." Refresh until you die. Looking through these, though, I recommend a grain of salt with each serving. These are the Snapple caps of the internet.
Miracle Fruit (From Curtis Mozie, the Miracle Fruit Man)
For your next "flavor tripping party." "It's called the 'Miracle Fruit' because it can alter the taste of sour items. Miracle Fruit is also easier to say, and spell, than its official name — synsepalum dulcificum." $90 minimum order, though.
"HR753 is 23.5 light years away and only 5 months from the outer surface of your light cone — your ever-growing sphere of potential causality — which began its expansion from Earth on April 14 1985."
ThinkGeek: SnūzNLūz, the Wifi Donation Alarm Clock
"Connects via WiFi to your online bank account, and donates YOUR real money to an organization you HATE when you decide to snooze!" Sleep in, donate $20 to, say, the GOP. This is an evil machine.
A greeter at the airport who welcomes and well-wishes operatically, he says to fantastic results. Pretty cool, but your suspicions will be confirmed at the end of the video. Very nice.
In food, wall sockets, lamps, buildings, trees, tents. More fun and uncanny than you think it'll be. Why does it cheer us up to see human expressions in inanimate objects?