Power Slides
During a round of Power Slides one player gives an improvised 5 minute pitch for an imaginary app using a series of randomly selected slides.
The app concept will be on the first slide. Slides will advance automatically. On the last slide, the presenter must come up with a name for their app, and the audience must applaud!
Power Slides is best when displayed on an external screen or projector. Once a pitch has begun, it will not require additional input in the browser.
Pitchfork: Articles: Kill Screen: Quidditch and How to Play
“One challenge of adapting Quidditch to real life lies in transforming a literary invention into a balanced contest where skill and strategy matter. The greater challenge involves getting around the lack of, you know, magic. You can't fly. Neither can the bludgers, or the snitch. You can pretend to fly, though. And you can throw the bludgers. But the snitch is a problem.”