Wollle: Garden of Eden (via VVORK)
"'Garden of Eden', 2007 by Wollle shows eight pedestals, each of which is covered with an airtight Plexiglas box. Via the internet, the latest air pollution levels in the capitals of the G8-countries are obtained. The system reproduces these levels artificially inside these boxes, each of which contains a lettuce that serves an indicator of the quality of the air inside the capsules."
MIT News Office: 'Major discovery' from MIT primed to unleash solar revolution
Is this it? "Until now, solar power has been a daytime-only energy source, because storing extra solar energy for later use is prohibitively expensive and grossly inefficient. Daniel G. Nocera, the Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy at MIT, has developed a simple method to split water molecules and produce oxygen gas, a discovery that paves the way for large-scale use of solar power." "The new catalyst works at room temperature, in neutral pH water, and it's easy to set up."
The Long Tail: Are dead-tree magazines good or bad for the climate?
"...although it generates no more or less carbon than magazine publishing, web publishing takes no carbon out of the atmosphere. So by this analysis dead-tree magazines have a smaller net carbon footprint than web media."
Pitchfork: Andrew Bird Announces Environmentally-Friendly Tour
Andrew Bird rules. "...he'll fuel his tour bus with vegetable oil-derived biodiesel, make all shows 'carbon neutral' with help from Native Energy, hawk eco-friendly merch, and even fill the green room with, well, green goods thanks to Stonyfield Farm."