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David Sleight: He Ain’t Snowfalling, He’s My Brother (A List Apart)What newsroom design shops have needed is a renewed interest in research and development, and that’s exactly what these pieces are delivering.#webdevelopment#journalism#internet#webdesign··Nov 29, 2013David Sleight: He Ain’t Snowfalling, He’s My Brother (A List Apart)
Functioning Form: Overlap 2007Notes on the growing importance of design in business. Good short reads.#webdevelopment#webdesign#design#business#technology#internet··Sep 18, 2007Functioning Form: Overlap 2007
Luke Wroblewski: The Continuing History of Amazon’s Tab NavigationA history of Amazon's site design, and a preview of what's next.#amazon#webdevelopment#webdesign#internet#history··Sep 15, 2007Luke Wroblewski: The Continuing History of Amazon’s Tab Navigation