Los Angeles Times: In defense of ‘Happy Days’’ ‘Jump the Shark’ episodeFrom the guy who wrote it.#happydays#tv#culture#america#history#trends#language·articles.latimes.com·Sep 9, 2010Los Angeles Times: In defense of ‘Happy Days’’ ‘Jump the Shark’ episode
NéojaponismeA fantastic blog on Japanese language, literature, and culture. I revel in this. (And this is what a blog should be — written only so often, and every post is high-quality. Comments are few and long and educated and of very high quality themselves.)#japan#literature#language#japanese#culture#people#history#writing·neojaponisme.com·Oct 21, 2008Néojaponisme
Skeyelab Music: How to Speak Hip"Now, it's very uncool to fall out in someone else's pad."#audio#culture#history#humor#language#satire·audio.skeyelab.com·Mar 26, 2008Skeyelab Music: How to Speak Hip