Lucy Diabolo: Gender Variance Around the World Over Time (Teen Vogue)Learn more about how gender variance has existed among people in different communities around the world throughout history.#history#lgbt#gender··Jul 2, 2017Lucy Diabolo: Gender Variance Around the World Over Time (Teen Vogue)
Derrick Clifton: What's Behind Criticisms of Those Red Equal Signs in Your Facebook Feed? (Huffington Post)The HRC has a lot of problems, and blindly supporting their marketing campaign is problematic.#equality#society#corporations#usa#history#gayrights#gaymarriage#lgbt··Apr 4, 2013Derrick Clifton: What's Behind Criticisms of Those Red Equal Signs in Your Facebook Feed? (Huffington Post) Room for Debate: Prop 8 Overturn — Too Soon to Declare VictoryA good summary of the actions taken and what lies ahead.#gaymarriage#california#america#history#politics#lgbt··Aug 6, Room for Debate: Prop 8 Overturn — Too Soon to Declare Victory