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Jonah Lehrer: Spoilers Don't Spoil Anything (Wired Science)
Jonah Lehrer: Spoilers Don't Spoil Anything (Wired Science)
It turns out … spoilers don’t spoil anything. In fact, a new study suggests that spoilers can actually increase our enjoyment of literature. Although we’ve long assumed that the suspense makes the story—we keep on reading because we don’t know what happens next—this new research suggests that the tension actually detracts from our enjoyment.
Jonah Lehrer: Spoilers Don't Spoil Anything (Wired Science)
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
I was pleased to see the measured tone of the White House response to the citizen petition about SOPA and PIPA, and yet I found myself profoundly disturbed by something that seems to me to go to the root of the problem in Washington: the failure to correctly diagnose the problem we are trying to solve, but instead to accept, seemingly uncritically, the claims of various interest groups.
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
Alyssa Rosenberg: In the Wake of Trayvon Martin's Death, Fox Pulls Its Marketing for Alien Invasion Comedy 'Neighborhood Watch' (ThinkProgress)
Alyssa Rosenberg: In the Wake of Trayvon Martin's Death, Fox Pulls Its Marketing for Alien Invasion Comedy 'Neighborhood Watch' (ThinkProgress)
it’s worth interrogating why we find images of over-the-top approaches to law enforcement funny or compelling A combination of anger as pathos (vicarious justice rendered), hero worship, and making light of authority?
Alyssa Rosenberg: In the Wake of Trayvon Martin's Death, Fox Pulls Its Marketing for Alien Invasion Comedy 'Neighborhood Watch' (ThinkProgress)