Curbly: How to Set Up a DIY Photo Booth Using Your ComputerUsing Photo Booth and Automator to print out a strip of three photos. Neat.#photography#automator#osx#howto#diy··Nov 28, 2010Curbly: How to Set Up a DIY Photo Booth Using Your Computer
Random Genius: Safari 4 Hidden PreferencesMaybe useful at some point.#software#safari4#safari#osx#preferences#reference#mac#howto··Feb 26, 2009Random Genius: Safari 4 Hidden Preferences
And now it’s all this: Dated and well-named web receiptsA very useful PDF workflow for OS X that allows you save a dated and custom-titled PDF of a receipt (for something you buy online) from the Print dialog.#osx#pdf#utility#howto#blog··Feb 14, 2009And now it’s all this: Dated and well-named web receipts