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Elizabeth Plank: Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women (PolicyMic)
Elizabeth Plank: Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women (PolicyMic)
In other words, a man is angry because he cares, while a woman is angry because she's an emotional wreck. Men who are angry don't only get more respect, status, and better job titles — they also get higher pay Despite the fact that men can use anger to achieve status, women may need to be calm in order to come off as rational. You know, so that people don't think they're PMS-ing, or whatever.
Elizabeth Plank: Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women (PolicyMic)
The new Arab manhood: Middle Eastern men want equality for their daughters, love in their marriages, and condoms. - Slate Magazine
The new Arab manhood: Middle Eastern men want equality for their daughters, love in their marriages, and condoms. - Slate Magazine
Many Arab men today are attempting to unseat patriarchy in their own marriages and family lives, just as they have attempted to unseat inhumane, dictatorial rulers. Instead of portraying and viewing Arab men as the unpredictably violent enemies of women—and of the United States—we need to realize that most young men who have taken to the streets during the Arab uprisings are there for a reason: to create more just and humane societies, including for and with their mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters.
The new Arab manhood: Middle Eastern men want equality for their daughters, love in their marriages, and condoms. - Slate Magazine