CSS-Tricks: Color Rendering Difference: Firefox vs. Safari
"The purpose of these color profiles is something I could into another time, but the important thing to remember to avoid problems like Norm's is to make sure all your images were exported in the same way and so they either don't have a color profile or all have the same color profile. This will ensure that the site, at least color-wise, renders the same from browser to browser."
The Long Tail: Are dead-tree magazines good or bad for the climate?
"...although it generates no more or less carbon than magazine publishing, web publishing takes no carbon out of the atmosphere. So by this analysis dead-tree magazines have a smaller net carbon footprint than web media."
Read/WriteWeb: Twitter's Open Platform Advantage
The API, which "has 10 times as much traffic as the site itself," has been arguably the biggest reason for Twitter's success. I'd say its simplicity and the fact that it was more or less the first of its kind were just as important. Good article.
Open Social Web: A Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web
Authored by Smarr (Plaxo), Canter, Scoble, and Arrington. Brief but a good summary of recent concerns. Comments interesting, but post needs a follow-up soon, and we can probably expect a lot of activity on this blog after DataSharingSummit.