"The complete soundtrack to Super Mario World, covered by one man using dozens of instruments. Roughly in game order, faithful to the originals, with some bizarre artistic license thrown around. A private hobby made public."
"If you insist on ignoring this reality, you share some responsibility for the way our culture warps." A letter to the music industry explaining why he "steals" music.
"Bandnews.org is a portal and search engine for the latest band related news, directly from the official source, and automatically updated throughout the day to present the most recent news first."
The band was asked to do songs for Coca-Cola, an anti-smoking PSA, and English cell phones. Don't miss parts 1 and 2; all three (short) songs are available for download.
"If we have a political message collectively as 'the books' it is a very simple one: listen with your whole self to the world you find yourself in. Cultivate your hearing so that when it comes time to make important decisions you will be well informed and