In response to Calacanis' "fire people who aren't workaholics" bullshit. "If your start-up can only succeed by being a sweatshop, your idea is simply not good enough."
"what software developers do best is learn. Employers should be loooking for passionate, driven, flexible self-educators who have a proven ability to code in whatever language -- and serving them up interesting projects they can engage with."
On crazy geniuses and products with and without imagination. "And the iPod itself is a shiny fruit fallen to earth from an enchanted tree in a mystical fairy land populated entirely by crazy geniuses."
BBC NEWS: Entertainment: Web-only album 'mad', says Yorke
Always intended to release a physical "artifact." "We didn't want it to be a big announcement about 'everything's over except the internet, the internet's the future', 'cause that's utter rubbish." Yorke still won't comment on figures.
"Steve Jobs gives a legendary keynote at Macworld SF every January, launching products and giving a state of the union view of things at Apple. What if you invested $10,000 the day before the keynote, then sold at the end of the keynote day?"
Big Medium developer Josh Clarks talks about the many miles to go after completing the launch milestone, the importance of long and consistent hours, and the constant refinement of software development and support.
TechCruch: The Secret Strategies Behind Many “Viral” Videos
The head of a company that makes videos go viral explains exactly how it's done. The commenters go crazy. Very interesting in the specific sense, but even more so in the overall evolution of media.
"A series of professional observations about package design practices within specific product categories," including Razors for Women, Low-Carb Lifestyle, and Packaged Rice.
New York Magazine: Why the Web 2.0 Bubble Doesn't Bother Silicon Valley
It's a bubble, yes, but it may not pop in the same way it did last time. There's a coastal divide in opinion, too, with NYers skeptical and Valley workers optimistic despite the reality. We'll see...
New York Magazine: Trent Reznor and Saul Williams Discuss Their New Collaboration, Mourn OiNK
Trent was an Oink user and regrets its disappearance. The Reznor-Williams collaboration, The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust!, a mind-boggling fusion of genres," will be released for free on the internet. "Ghetto gothic?"
Very nice, very creative business cards, but don't expect them to fit in your wallet or Rolodex. Check the comments for bonus footage from "American Psycho."
mediabistro: Hey How'd You Reach The Design World's Pinnacle, Luke Hayman?
A great interview with a great designer. His anecdotes and wisdom are particularly valuable, especially the answer to the last question and his five bits of advice.
Consumerist: How To: 13-Step Method for Buying a Car While Controlling the Sale and the Price
It takes time and a lot of guts, but you'll save money. "It really works... but it works only if you truly are willing to walk away... and then refuse to bend when they try to put you off or change the terms. Stay civil, do not let any emotion in."
On starting over. "It's better to have something we're both proud off than to try and salvage the work done so far. Sometimes you have to go all the way through the design process before you realize that you've built the wrong thing."
Identityworks: Tools: Guidelines and standards manuals
A list of corporate and organization identity guidelines. A good sampling of conventions, though many of them are terribly designed and poorly organized.