"The elimination of the poles helps to accentuate the ominous feeling of being beneath these signs as well as serve to disconnect the signs from the ground and reality."
Boing Boing: Artists uses mouth to make chewing gum sculptures
"He prefers to work with gum that is past the expiration date. It takes him about three hours of chewing to get a piece of gum the right consistency for art."
"DRM systems don't work, DRM systems are bad for society, DRM systems are bad for business, DRM systems are bad for artists, DRM is a bad business-move for MSFT."
"Created to explore visual culture through experimentation in design, photography, illustration, and other related visual arts. contributing artists are encouraged to explore aspects of their chosen medium that fall outside of conventional..."
"Using software processes of his own design, Jason Salavon generates and reconfigures masses of communal material to present new perspectives on the familiar."