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Samples used by The Field
Samples used by The Field
WhoSampled for some reason decided to get rid of the list of samples used by The Field, so I'm taking matters into my own hands. The way I'm ordering this is by album and then by the song or songs sampled on the tracks in the album. Any additions or criticisms are welcome, so long as you can back it up with the times in the song where the samples are.
Samples used by The Field
Simini Blocker #The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Simini Blocker #The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Sissix and Rosemary, again from Becky Chambers’ ‘The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet.’ I finished the second one last week as well, which has another cast of excellent characters. I love how cozy and lived in these books feel, while still being really thoughtful on challenging your perspective—it’s not something I’d come to expect from science fiction.
Simini Blocker #The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
ASL Training Center: Dear ASL Hero
ASL Training Center: Dear ASL Hero
ASL is not English on the hands. It uses a different grammar system. Some people confuse ASL with "Signed English". Much of the vocabulary is different. They are two separate ways of communicating. Some people who think they are signing ASL are actually using Signed English.
ASL Training Center: Dear ASL Hero
Vincent Bevins: Stuck in the Shopping (Popula)
Vincent Bevins: Stuck in the Shopping (Popula)
I would do anything to meet the architects that designed these places, and to confront them. I’m fully able-bodied, and even at my most spry, these kinds of spatial tricks make me more infuriated than anything else that has happened to me in the last ten years. You can shoot at me, rob me, shut off my electricity for a week, and at least I will get it. None of that enrages me as much as making me take those extra steps across a part of a building that shouldn’t exist at all, that was built poorly on purpose, with human blood, sweat, and tears, in the attempt to make me give in and waste my money and harm my body with something that shouldn’t exist, either.
Vincent Bevins: Stuck in the Shopping (Popula)
Sarah Vitak: Portland’s Crows Are Back. So Are the Laser-Guided Hawks That Scare Them Off. (Portland Mercury)
Sarah Vitak: Portland’s Crows Are Back. So Are the Laser-Guided Hawks That Scare Them Off. (Portland Mercury)
From Granger and Provorse’s perspective, the hazing is unwarranted: The crows’ droppings, they say, are barely noticeable, usually gone within a few days due to rain, and that hazing only shifts the location of the droppings to another part of the city. They also feel that the crows deserve to use the city to their advantage and that preventing them from roosting at their chosen sites may be detrimental to the health and survival of the crow population at large. But overall, they object to the hazing not “because we claim to have solid evidence that hazing the crows harms them,” Granger says, but “rather because there is no evidence at all in either direction.”
Sarah Vitak: Portland’s Crows Are Back. So Are the Laser-Guided Hawks That Scare Them Off. (Portland Mercury)
Emily Heller: GOTY 2018: #5 Celeste (Polygon)
Emily Heller: GOTY 2018: #5 Celeste (Polygon)
Then, one day, I calmly quit. I realized that I had learned all the wrong lessons. Celeste Mountain isn’t literal — it’s a metaphor for overcoming the lies your brain tells you. I didn’t need the cliché triumphant moment, I just needed to sit down with the scary parts of myself and tell them to stop being so hard on my friend Emily. Me.
Emily Heller: GOTY 2018: #5 Celeste (Polygon)
Alexis C. Madrigal: No, You Don’t Really Look Like That (The Atlantic)
Alexis C. Madrigal: No, You Don’t Really Look Like That (The Atlantic)
Since the 19th century, cameras have been able to capture images at different speeds, wavelengths, and magnifications, which reveal previously hidden worlds. What’s fascinating about the current changes in phone photography is that they are as much about revealing what we want to look like as they are investigations of the world. It’s as if we’ve discovered a probe for finding and sharing versions of our faces—or even ourselves—and it’s this process that now drives the behavior of the most innovative, most profitable companies in the world.
Alexis C. Madrigal: No, You Don’t Really Look Like That (The Atlantic)
WordPress Theme Directory: Gridbox
WordPress Theme Directory: Gridbox
A good simple WordPress theme. Good for art portfolios. Gridbox is a clean and solid WordPress theme featuring a three-column grid-layout for posts. The theme works out of the box and does not require any complicated setup. It is perfectly suited for a simple magazine, blog or portfolio website.
WordPress Theme Directory: Gridbox
Laurie Penny: Four Days Trapped at Sea With Crypto's Nouveau Riche (Breaker)
Laurie Penny: Four Days Trapped at Sea With Crypto's Nouveau Riche (Breaker)
Reading this makes me viscerally angry. It’s only my first day, but it’s clear this is not the Burning Man-style celebration of the liberatory potential of decentralization I was promised. This is a locked-room, hard-sell pitch session to a literally captive audience of high-roller crypto investors, whose only escape is the lifeboats. The whole place smells of aftershave and insecurity. But if you want to know how power actually operates in any community, watch the women.
Laurie Penny: Four Days Trapped at Sea With Crypto's Nouveau Riche (Breaker)
Jenny Odell: How to Do Nothing
Jenny Odell: How to Do Nothing
This is real. The living, breathing bodies in this room are real. I am not an avatar, a set of preferences, or some smooth cognitive force. I’m lumpy, I’m an animal, I hurt sometimes, and I’m different one day to the next. I hear, I see, and I smell things that hear, see, and smell me. And it can take a break to remember that, a break to do nothing, to listen, to remember what we are and where we are.
Jenny Odell: How to Do Nothing
Merriam-Webster: Rack vs. Wrack
Merriam-Webster: Rack vs. Wrack
In short, the “correct” word is ‘rack,’ but of course they should just be treated as spelling variations at this point. Probably the most sensible attitude would be to ignore the etymologies of rack and wrack (which, of course, is exactly what most people do) and regard them simply as spelling variants of one word. If you choose to toe the line drawn by the commentators, however, you will want to write nerve-racking, rack one’s brains, storm-wracked, and for good measure wrack and ruin. Then you will have nothing to worry about being criticized for—except, of course, for using too many clichés.
Merriam-Webster: Rack vs. Wrack
Dudley Storey: 5 Powerful Tips and Tricks for Print Style Sheets
Dudley Storey: 5 Powerful Tips and Tricks for Print Style Sheets
Print continues to be treated somewhat cursorily by most Web designers, who tend to be obsessed with pixels rather than printers. In the real world, a significant portion of people rely on pages printed from websites for reference: there’s still something about having a physical sheet of paper in one’s hands, even in this age of digital saturation.
Dudley Storey: 5 Powerful Tips and Tricks for Print Style Sheets
Katie Notopoulos: What If Actually…Is A Horrible Website? (Buzzfeed)
Katie Notopoulos: What If Actually…Is A Horrible Website? (Buzzfeed)
Looking at the big picture, these are all tiny things, mostly harmless. Considering the amount of harm Amazon does to the environment and the people who work for them, it’s hard to give much of a shit about whether or not there’s a Subscribe & Save option for a bassoon harness. But these little things matter when we’re putting massive amounts of money, personal data (including our kids’ data), and faith into a company that’s falling short of its basic business: running a website that sells stuff.
Katie Notopoulos: What If Actually…Is A Horrible Website? (Buzzfeed)
Matthew Singer: Did a Rave Review Really Shut Down Portland Burger Bar Stanich’s? Maybe It Was the Owner’s Legal Troubles. (Willamette Week)
Matthew Singer: Did a Rave Review Really Shut Down Portland Burger Bar Stanich’s? Maybe It Was the Owner’s Legal Troubles. (Willamette Week)
For almost a year, the sudden and unexplained closure of one of Portland's favorite burger joints has baffled the city's food scene. Last week, a freelance food writer claimed responsibility—saying he had "killed" Stanich's on Northeast Fremont Street by naming its cheeseburger the best in America on the website Thrillist. The confession went viral. But it wasn't the full story. In fact, court records show that owner Steve Stanich's personal life had been spiraling into chaos long before his restaurant landed on the national radar.
Matthew Singer: Did a Rave Review Really Shut Down Portland Burger Bar Stanich’s? Maybe It Was the Owner’s Legal Troubles. (Willamette Week)
Humanizing a Monster II
Humanizing a Monster II
A look at how Spencer Krug portrays the Minotaur in the Moonface album ‘This One’s For the Dancer.’ The Athenian children are victims, but so too is the Minotaur. This is far more representative of many real conflicts than the standard good vs. evil narrative – insulated potentates have orchestrated a scenario in which there are no winners, only victims, in the attempt to keep the political machine grinding on.
Humanizing a Monster II