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Cecily Carver: Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code
Cecily Carver: Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code
You’ll hit this wall no matter what “learn to code” program you follow, and the only way to get past it is to persevere. This means you keep trying new things, learning more information, and figuring out, piece by piece, how to build your project. You’re a lot more likely to find success in the end if you have a clear idea of why you’re learning to code in the first place.
Cecily Carver: Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code
Eric Harvey: I Started a Joke: "PBR&B" and What Genres Mean Now (Pitchfork)
Eric Harvey: I Started a Joke: "PBR&B" and What Genres Mean Now (Pitchfork)
"PBR&B" spread because lots of people were talking about these particular artists, but the artists themselves were left out of such conversations. That's how it usually happens: Their work is left to be sorted like cereal boxes, independent of their own agency. Artists are sometimes asked by fans and inexperienced journalists to describe the "type of music" they make, and they’re often rightfully itchy about making these distinctions themselves. It’s not so much that there’s a right or wrong to genres, but it’s more the case that genres are power moves, able to define music far beyond any artist’s own wishes.
Eric Harvey: I Started a Joke: "PBR&B" and What Genres Mean Now (Pitchfork)
Elizabeth Plank: Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women (PolicyMic)
Elizabeth Plank: Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women (PolicyMic)
In other words, a man is angry because he cares, while a woman is angry because she's an emotional wreck. Men who are angry don't only get more respect, status, and better job titles — they also get higher pay Despite the fact that men can use anger to achieve status, women may need to be calm in order to come off as rational. You know, so that people don't think they're PMS-ing, or whatever.
Elizabeth Plank: Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women (PolicyMic)
Juana Molina: Sin Guia No (Rookie)
Juana Molina: Sin Guia No (Rookie)
Just do it! Go and do it! There are no valid excuses [not to]. We see our excuses as real things, but they’re just a barrier you built between you and what you want to do because you are afraid to try it and fail. No one wants to fail, but you will never know if you don’t try it. Maybe the first few times, you’ll have a bad time…but then you won’t.
Juana Molina: Sin Guia No (Rookie)
Isaac Butler: The Realism Canard, Or: Why Fact-Checking Fiction Is Poisoning Criticism
Isaac Butler: The Realism Canard, Or: Why Fact-Checking Fiction Is Poisoning Criticism
In real life, people don't talk the way they do in movies or television or (especially) books. Real locations aren't styled, lit, or shot the way they are on screen. The basic conceits of point of view in literature actually make no sense and are in no way "realistic." Realism isn't verisimilitude. It's a set of stylistic conventions that evolve over time, are socially agreed upon, and are hotly contested. The presence of these conventions is not a sign of quality. Departure from them is not a sign of quality's absence.
Isaac Butler: The Realism Canard, Or: Why Fact-Checking Fiction Is Poisoning Criticism
The fastest way to create a music video from a song. Upload an MP3 to YouTube in HD.
Why Universal Health Care Is Unambiguously Necessary for America
Why Universal Health Care Is Unambiguously Necessary for America
Given the importance of medicine, I feel that it would be useful to clarify this issue. I will explain clearly, and with evidence, why it is that universal healthcare of any sort would be better than the current system in every significant way. If you find yourself disagreeing with this assertion, I ask that you read on before replying, as all conceivable objections will be addressed and resolved.
Why Universal Health Care Is Unambiguously Necessary for America
Alina Simone: The End of Quiet Music (
Alina Simone: The End of Quiet Music (
We’ve placed the entire onus of changing-with-the-times on musicians, but why can’t the educational, cultural and governmental institutions that support the arts adapt as well, extending the same opportunities to those whose music provides the soundtrack to our lives? If they don’t, Darwinism will probably ensure that only the musical entrepreneurs survive. I can’t say if the world of music will be better or worse off if that happens, but it will certainly be a lot louder.
Alina Simone: The End of Quiet Music (
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Love is a dog from hell, as it's said, and real emotion is ugly and uncomfortable, and it’s why some people giggle when they see a man keening or screaming or crying -- but Drake knows that all this has to be tempered and digestible to be disseminated and reach as many people as possible.
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Chris Whitman: Robot Horse Blues
Chris Whitman: Robot Horse Blues
Jacob Bakkila could have made his own Twitter account to post gibberish to. But the point was to appropriate something people were already paying attention to. What we thought was marketing rediscovered as art has turned out to be art rediscovered as marketing.
Chris Whitman: Robot Horse Blues
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Why 'Accidental Racist' Is Actually Just Racist (The Atlantic)
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Why 'Accidental Racist' Is Actually Just Racist (The Atlantic)
I wouldn't call up Talib Kweli to record a song about gang violence in L.A., and I wouldn't call up KRS-ONE to drop a verse on a love ballad. The only real reason to call up LL is that he is black and thus must have something insightful to say about the Confederate Flag. The assumption that there is no real difference among black people is exactly what racism is. Our differences, our right to our individuality, is what makes us human. The point of racism is to rob black people of that right.
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Why 'Accidental Racist' Is Actually Just Racist (The Atlantic)
KATU: SNL-affiliated 'Portlandia' filmed, premiered in NE Portland
KATU: SNL-affiliated 'Portlandia' filmed, premiered in NE Portland
The world premier of a new television series about our city was held Friday night at the Hollywood Theatre—just blocks away from where the set-up sketch for the series was filmed. This sketch was filmed at Northeast Portland's San Da Roda apartments (Note: As of Sunday the San Da Roda apartments are fully rented. Also note, with fair warning, the sketch shows a man in patriotic underwear.)
KATU: SNL-affiliated 'Portlandia' filmed, premiered in NE Portland
Oopsie Bread Recipe
Oopsie Bread Recipe
An alternative for bread if you are eating low carb and diabetic. I saw this recipe on Diet Doctor, and loved it and wanted to share it.
Oopsie Bread Recipe
Jana Hunter: Last week I wrote a review of the new King Krule record…
Jana Hunter: Last week I wrote a review of the new King Krule record…
I’m saying the current model for sharing and more importantly for publicizing music is detrimental. Here’s what happens: young musicians make okay records that show they’ve got something but haven’t yet figured out what. The music industry then sells the shit out of it while the music press hypes it equally to death.
Jana Hunter: Last week I wrote a review of the new King Krule record…
Nitsuh Abebe: Jana Hunter, King Krule, and when musicians are "ready" for the public
Nitsuh Abebe: Jana Hunter, King Krule, and when musicians are "ready" for the public
I’d like to think that, once we mentally calm ourselves and remember that reading a lot about an artist for a couple months is not a very big deal, we can imagine and try to foster a music world where a teenager can make a small splash with an interesting new sound and then, perhaps, grow and develop across his or her career until that first record is the footnote or rarity that only hardcore fans seek out. Today’s climate doesn’t foster that sort of thing very well, but I don’t think the answer is for everyone to woodshed longer. The answer might be to place a lot less importance on the marketing cycle around a record’s release, and keep in mind how unimportant it might look a few years down the line. Given enough time, the narrative of the musician is always larger than whatever people said for a month about a single release.
Nitsuh Abebe: Jana Hunter, King Krule, and when musicians are "ready" for the public
Jeremy D. Larson: The Spirit of "Ramble Tamble" (Pitchfork)
Jeremy D. Larson: The Spirit of "Ramble Tamble" (Pitchfork)
At the risk of sounding insufferable, here’s my own personal God particle theory: Some of the best jams in indie rock sound like the breakdown of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s "Ramble Tamble."
Jeremy D. Larson: The Spirit of "Ramble Tamble" (Pitchfork)
Linda Holmes: Hey, Kid: Thoughts For The Young Oddballs We Need So Badly (NPR)
Linda Holmes: Hey, Kid: Thoughts For The Young Oddballs We Need So Badly (NPR)
Learn the difference between feedback and criticism. Feedback is primarily for you; criticism (in the sense of "a movie critic" or "an arts critic") is primarily not. Criticism is part of an ongoing cultural conversation that's designed to make everybody smarter and better and more thoughtful and to advance the art form itself; it's done even when the creator of a piece is long dead. It's not really for you. Feedback, on the other hand, is aimed at you to make you better, and that's the only kind of feedback worth paying attention to. If you can't listen to it and take it in without your hackles rising, you will never become good. Period, boom, g'bye.
Linda Holmes: Hey, Kid: Thoughts For The Young Oddballs We Need So Badly (NPR)