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Steven Hyden: The monoculture is a myth (
Steven Hyden: The monoculture is a myth (
‘If we stop looking to the past, we might realize that we’re living in a golden age of music listening and discussion. The Internet has enabled more people to hear more music than at any point in human history. More people are writing about music than ever — on websites, on personal blogs and Facebook pages.’
Steven Hyden: The monoculture is a myth (
The Awl: Why Should We Demonstrate? A Conversation
The Awl: Why Should We Demonstrate? A Conversation
‘once something seizes the public imagination, stuff can happen way faster than you would expect or completely unanticipated things can change everybody’s perception of the situation. So I think what it has the functionality to be is a catalyst for changes we can’t even imagine right now.’
The Awl: Why Should We Demonstrate? A Conversation
Nitsuh Abebe: Indie Grown-Ups
Nitsuh Abebe: Indie Grown-Ups
‘One good indicator of this norm’s normalness? The main criticism you hear about this kind of record—even outweighing references to Starbucks and/or the bourgeoisie—is that it is just too dull to even bother producing any more complex indictment of it. These acts, intentionally or not, have won; they’ve taken a lower-sales, lower-budget version of the type of trip Sting once took, from a post-punk upstart to an adult staple.’
Nitsuh Abebe: Indie Grown-Ups
All this: Location, location, location
All this: Location, location, location
‘The script is called coordinate, and it works like this: While I’m taking a bunch of photos at a spot with the G10, I take a single photo with the iPhone. When I have all the images transferred to my computer I run `coordinate -g iphone.jpg IMG*` and the GPS data is read from the iPhone image (iphone.jpg) and copied to all the files from the G10 (IMG*). Boom.’
All this: Location, location, location Slavoj Žižek at Occupy Wall Street Slavoj Žižek at Occupy Wall Street
‘Slavoj Žižek visited Liberty Plaza to speak to Occupy Wall Street protesters. Here is the full transcript of his speech.’ “So do not blame people and their attitudes: the problem is not corruption or greed, the problem is the system that pushes you to be corrupt. The solution is not “Main street, not Wall street,” but to change the system where main street cannot function without Wall street. Beware not only of enemies, but also of false friends who pretend to support us, but are already working hard to dilute our protest.”
·· Slavoj Žižek at Occupy Wall Street
Nova Spivack: Proposal For A New Constitutional Amendment: A Separation of Corporation and State
Nova Spivack: Proposal For A New Constitutional Amendment: A Separation of Corporation and State
‘Today corporations are becoming the single most powerful force shaping our societies and governments. While corporations have great potential to benefit society and even governments, they are entirely selfish entities – they have no accountability to the public, and no responsibility to ensure the public good. A government that is influenced by corporations can easily become a government that caters to corporations, a government that is effectively run by corporations. Such a government is not representative of its people anymore. It is therefore not a democracy.’
Nova Spivack: Proposal For A New Constitutional Amendment: A Separation of Corporation and State
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
‘Financial struggles are isolating. We don’t talk about them—so we don’t realize how universal they are. And because we careful ignore them, we don’t give them a high priority. We worry about airport security. Or a celebrity scandal. Or something Newt Gingrich (who’s still there) said. We don’t communally address the problems that may be most important to us.’
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent Steve Jobs, Enemy of Nostalgia Steve Jobs, Enemy of Nostalgia
‘Mr. Jobs’s magic has its costs. We can admire the design perfection and business acumen while acknowledging the truth: with Apple’s immense resources at his command he could have revolutionized the industry to make devices more humanely and more openly, and chose not to. If we view him unsparingly, without nostalgia, we would see a great man whose genius in design, showmanship and stewardship of the tech world will not be seen again in our lifetime. We would also see a man who in the end failed to “think different,” in the deepest way, about the human needs of both his users and his workers.’
·· Steve Jobs, Enemy of Nostalgia
Marked Bonus Pack (scripts, commands and bundles)
Marked Bonus Pack (scripts, commands and bundles)
Vital. ‘The Marked Bonus Pack is a collection of scripts, commands and services. Some work with multiple editors, some are specific to certain editors. The Services will generally work with any editor that has the necessary capabilities. The rest are organized in folders based on the application they work with.’
Marked Bonus Pack (scripts, commands and bundles)
Expert Labs: The Democracy Gap
Expert Labs: The Democracy Gap
‘The Democracy Gap is a great chasm between this “hearing and deliberative” part of government (what people like to call “Washington”), and the rest of human civilization, and activists — left, right, and orthogonal are beginning to figure this out, and it’s beginning to really tick them off. People are using the internet to become increasingly more organized, but at the same time are becoming more and more disconnected from the mechanics of power inside Washington. Moreover, as the volume of voices grows louder, “Washington” becomes more disconnected — unable to hear the best solutions from the cacophony of noise.’
Expert Labs: The Democracy Gap
CSS Prototyping
CSS Prototyping
‘This is a simple trick to overlay a grid or a mock-up over a page you're styling. It will also allow you to edit content directly in the browser to see how your layout behaves depending on various lines of text.’
CSS Prototyping
The Daily Beast: The Dish: Who Is Behind Occupy Wall Street?
The Daily Beast: The Dish: Who Is Behind Occupy Wall Street?
‘Protests should do three things: they should express anger, through marches and targeted civil disobedience, at a particular political or social situation. They should give people the opportunity to see that other people, even people different from themselves, share that anger. And they should provide a vision of how life would be better if the world were different. Occupy Wall Street is doing all three of those things.’
The Daily Beast: The Dish: Who Is Behind Occupy Wall Street?