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The Explorer's Guide to Biology | Free Learning Platform
The Explorer's Guide to Biology | Free Learning Platform
Learn biology through stories told by the world's top scientists. We present biology as detective work, focusing on the process of science. Authors: Jennifer Doudna, Ron Vale, Bonnie Bassler
The Explorer's Guide to Biology | Free Learning Platform
ArchBook: Architectures of the Book
ArchBook: Architectures of the Book
ArchBook is an online, open-access knowledge base of textual features that illustrate technologies and human practices for transmitting knowledge in textual form.
ArchBook: Architectures of the Book
Watch What I Do
Watch What I Do
Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration. Edited by Allen Cypher. 1993, MIT Press, 652 pages. The motivation behind Programming by Demonstration is simple and compelling: if a user knows how to perform a task on the computer, that should be sufficient to create a program to perform the task. It should not be necessary to learn a programming language like C or BASIC. Instead, the user should be able to instruct the computer to
Watch What I Do