DOMUS: the Magazine for Architecture, Design and Art Lovers
Andrea Branzi racconta la mostra “La nuova stanza” allestita all’interno dello showroom Pianca & Partners in collaborazione con Antonia Jannone Disegni di Architettura.
A magazine for the mathematically curious. Issue 12 now available: Independent Sage's Christina Pagel, hyperbolic mindfulness and make-your-own Markov tweet feature in our latest edition. Plus all your favourite puzzles & columns.
The most comprehensive dividend stock destination on the web. Contains profiles, news, research, data, and ratings for thousands of dividend-paying stocks.
The Splendid Table is public radio's culinary culture and lifestyle program that celebrates food and its ability to touch the lives and feed the souls of everyone. Each week, award-winning host Francis Lam leads listeners on a journey of the senses and hosts discussions with a variety of writers and personalities who share their passion for the culinary delights.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices is devoted to innovative research in computer-supported ...