Belajar UX

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Preventing User Errors: Avoiding Unconscious Slips
Preventing User Errors: Avoiding Unconscious Slips
Users are often distracted from the task at hand, so prevent unconscious errors by offering suggestions, utilizing constraints, and being flexible.
Preventing User Errors: Avoiding Unconscious Slips
How to Report Errors in Forms: 10 Design Guidelines
How to Report Errors in Forms: 10 Design Guidelines
Help users recover from errors by clearly identifying the problems and allowing users to access and correct erroneous fields easily.
How to Report Errors in Forms: 10 Design Guidelines
Error-Message Guidelines
Error-Message Guidelines
Design effective error messages by ensuring they are highly visible, provide constructive communication, and respect user effort.
Error-Message Guidelines
What are the most effective ways to test usability for each stage of the product lifecycle?
What are the most effective ways to test usability for each stage of the product lifecycle?
Usability testing is a crucial part of the product lifecycle, as it helps you understand how users interact with your product, what problems they face, and how you can improve their experience. However, usability testing is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
What are the most effective ways to test usability for each stage of the product lifecycle?
Search UX Best Practices - Pencil & Paper
Search UX Best Practices - Pencil & Paper
Search UX patterns, and UI examples, plus ways to elevate your data and deliver the best possible experience to users.
Search UX Best Practices - Pencil & Paper
Laws of UX
Laws of UX
As a part of day 004 of 100 days of UX, I have summarised my learnings of the laws of UX in this blog.
Laws of UX
UX Laws with practical examples.
UX Laws with practical examples.
The collection of laws or design standards that designers must take into account when thinking and improving the user experience
UX Laws with practical examples.
Sistem NICo untuk pembuatan user flow
Sistem NICo untuk pembuatan user flow
Sebuah masalah yang sering ditemukan adalah miskomunikasi, tidak hanya antara desainer dan developer, tetapi juga antara para desainer. Sering ditemukan kasus ketika seorang client atau developer memiliki spesifikasi yang rumit dan beragam pada satu layar yang sama; misalnya, state terpilih dan belum terpilih, dropdown terbuka dan tertutup.
Sistem NICo untuk pembuatan user flow
Errors and Alerts
Errors and Alerts
Error and alert messages provide contextual and actionable feedback to help users move forward in their workflow.
Errors and Alerts
How to Write a Perfect Error Message
How to Write a Perfect Error Message
No system can work without errors. It can be user’s errors or system’s fails. In both cases, it’s very important to handle errors in a…
How to Write a Perfect Error Message
UX planning. Here is what I usually prefer to have on a whiteboard during the strategy phase: - Alex Gilev on Twitter
UX planning. Here is what I usually prefer to have on a whiteboard during the strategy phase: - Alex Gilev on Twitter
“UX planning. Here is what I usually prefer to have on a whiteboard during the strategy phase: ✅ List priority user groups ✅ Outline major user flows ✅ Key user tasks ✅ Critical Qs for each task. The "Why" ✅ Navigation structure and priority ✅ Frequency of use (For tasks)…”
UX planning. Here is what I usually prefer to have on a whiteboard during the strategy phase:
UX planning. Here is what I usually prefer to have on a whiteboard during the strategy phase: - Alex Gilev on Twitter
UX Design Challenges
UX Design Challenges
A set of real-world challenges to practice crucial UX design skills. Train yourself in product design and take away portfolio-worthy deliverables.
UX Design Challenges
contoh Crazy-8 utk eksplorasi ide homescreen untuk Grab - Borrys Hasian on Twitter
contoh Crazy-8 utk eksplorasi ide homescreen untuk Grab - Borrys Hasian on Twitter
“Lanjutin ttg SuperApp ini. Sambil nunggu istri siap2 sarapan, pake Crazy-8 utk eksplorasi ide homescreen. Crazy-8 ini caranya sketch cepat utk 8 konsep berbeda, dlm waktu 8 menit. Bisa dari ide yg umum, sampe yg bermimpi2. Sah2 aja, krn tahap eksplorasi. Yuk liat satu2 👇🏼”
Crazy-8 utk eksplorasi ide homescreen
contoh Crazy-8 utk eksplorasi ide homescreen untuk Grab - Borrys Hasian on Twitter
Salah satu cara buat discover problem yang ada di produk kita - Galuh NAP on Twitter
Salah satu cara buat discover problem yang ada di produk kita - Galuh NAP on Twitter
“"Gimana caranya nyari problem yang ada di aplikasi kita, tapi ga ada team data, ga ada analytical tools dan data tracking?" Salah satu cara buat discover problem yang ada di produk kita adalah dengan ngeliat apps review (klo produknya app based) atau ngeliat user complaint. Gw…”
Salah satu cara buat discover problem yang ada di produk kita
Salah satu cara buat discover problem yang ada di produk kita - Galuh NAP on Twitter