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AI general news
Communication with Alien Intelligence
ChatGPT: Automatic expensive BS at scale
AI and the American Smile
5 frames for making sense of fake news
3 ways Duolingo improves education using AI
Beware the Hype: ChatGPT Didn't Replace Human Data Annotators
UK unveils world leading approach to innovation in first artificial intelligence white paper to turbocharge growth
AIcrowd | HackAPrompt 2023 | Leaderboards
Is this Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered Bing?
XConf Europe 2023 - Amsterdam Tickets, Thu 21 Sep 2023 at 09:00 | Eventbrite
Whispers of A.I.’s Modular Future
Announcing Intercom's new AI features
The ghosts behind AI
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'Open' alternatives to ChatGPT are on the rise, but how open is AI really? | Radboud University
Walmart VP confirms retailer is building on GPT-4, says generative AI is ‘as big a shift as mobile’
Artificial Intelligence: UNESCO calls on all Governments to implement Global Ethical Framework without delay
ChatGPT tied to Samsung’s alleged data leak | Cybernews
Using Vale to help engineers become better writers - Contentsquare Engineering Blog
ChatGPT invented a sexual harassment scandal and named a real law prof as the accused
'I'm TaxGPT': Ottawa developer designs chatbot to help Canadians file their taxes for free
The reproducibility issues that haunt health-care AI
The man who married a hologram in Japan can no longer communicate with his virtual wife
Microsoft Appears to Have Accidentally Launched New Bing With ChatGPT Functionality
AI Writing Tools: Capabilities, Limitations, and Concerns
The Creator of ChatGPT Thinks AI Should Be Regulated
Amazing "Jailbreak" Bypasses ChatGPT's Ethics Safeguards