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FDA Allows Pfizer Booster Shots For Kids Ages 12-To-15
FDA Allows Pfizer Booster Shots For Kids Ages 12-To-15
The Food and Drug Administration is now allowing Pfizer booster shots for kids as young as 12. The next step will be CDC approval.
FDA Allows Pfizer Booster Shots For Kids Ages 12-To-15
Cuba’s Vaccine Could End up Saving Millions of Lives
Cuba’s Vaccine Could End up Saving Millions of Lives
Thanks to its public biotech sector and its government’s deep commitment to public health, Cuba is now the only low-income country to have made its own COVID vaccine. It’s already helped millions of Cubans, and it’s poised to help millions more around the world.
Cuba’s Vaccine Could End up Saving Millions of Lives
State of Affairs: Dec 28
State of Affairs: Dec 28
I was hoping for a relatively quiet week. But, as with a lot of people right now, SARS-CoV-2 finally caught up with my little family. I finally got a break at our “hot mess express” house to get a handle on the current state of affairs. This is where we are today…
State of Affairs: Dec 28
CDC Shortens Recommended COVID Isolation Time To 5 Days, Down From 10
CDC Shortens Recommended COVID Isolation Time To 5 Days, Down From 10
The CDC now says all Americans who test positive for COVID-19 can cut their isolation time in half from 10 days to five days if they are asymptomatic and wear a mask for the following five days.
CDC Shortens Recommended COVID Isolation Time To 5 Days, Down From 10
Why more than half of Taco Bell workers are unvaccinated
Why more than half of Taco Bell workers are unvaccinated
In June, Taco Bell locations in California offered "a free seasoned beef Nacho Cheese Doritos® Locos Tacos" to anyone who provided proof of vaccination. The company said it was offering the promotion because there are "still plenty of young people who need to get vaccinated." The company said that it was important to "increase vaccinations" to keep everyone safe.
Why more than half of Taco Bell workers are unvaccinated
Omicron Update: Dec 17
Omicron Update: Dec 17
Well, Omicron cases are growing really fast. Like explosive, skyrocketing, vertical growth fast. If we continue this rate of spread, I would venture to say that there is no modern day virus that has spread this fast and this far ever before. We continue to see case growth in South Africa, although I’m convinced they’ll hit their peak soon due to several indicators (like test positivity rate and acceleration slowing). While previous waves have averaged 2 months, Omicron will hopefully result in a shorter wave due to high transmissibility and change of behavior.
Omicron Update: Dec 17
What omicron's fast spread could mean for the U.S. – and the world
What omicron's fast spread could mean for the U.S. – and the world
The variant has spread through South Africa with remarkable speed — and been detected in at least 60 other countries. Specialists are trying to figure out the next stage for this unwelcome variant.
What omicron's fast spread could mean for the U.S. – and the world
Omicron: We're getting (some) answers
Omicron: We're getting (some) answers
Today we got our first Omicron lab data! A week and half since Omicron broke the news. Just beautiful. As the scientist of the study said, “If I don’t die from the virus, I’ll die of exhaustion”. We’re getting more and more epidemiological data, too. Together they give us a dense, but clear(er) picture of Omicron.
Omicron: We're getting (some) answers
The holidays with my family
The holidays with my family
Many families have really good questions regarding the intersection between Delta/Omicron and the holiday season. I can’t answer your individual messages for a number of reasons. But I do understand that it’s incredibly difficult to navigate this landscape especially with a mutating virus. Just when we thought we had a good grasp, this darn thing changes.
The holidays with my family
An upper bound on one-to-one exposure to infectious human respiratory particles
An upper bound on one-to-one exposure to infectious human respiratory particles
Wearing face masks and maintaining social distance are familiar to many people around the world during the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Evidence suggests that these are effective ways to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, it is not clear how exactly the risk of infection is affected by wearing a mask during close personal encounters or by social distancing without a mask. Our results show that face masks significantly reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to social distancing. We find a very low risk of infection when everyone wears a face mask, even if it doesn’t fit perfectly on the face. Previously published data were used for this work ( All other study data are included in the article and/or [ SI Appendix ][1]. [1]:
An upper bound on one-to-one exposure to infectious human respiratory particles
Why We Need to Upgrade Our Face Masks—and Where to Get Them
Why We Need to Upgrade Our Face Masks—and Where to Get Them
High-quality respirators such as N95s and K95s are now widely available and provide the best protection against COVID, according to experts. Why aren’t more people wearing them?
Why We Need to Upgrade Our Face Masks—and Where to Get Them
New Concerning Variant: B.1.1.529
New Concerning Variant: B.1.1.529
I hope everyone in the States had a fantastic Thanksgiving (even if you’re a Dallas Cowboys football fan). I hate to ruin the holiday, but… We have a new variant. I’ve not seen this much anxiety ridden chatter among scientists about a COVID19 variant before. Even among the calm, cool, and collected scientists.
New Concerning Variant: B.1.1.529