Orange Crate Art

From the news: “another head-turning personnel pick.” No. Make that “another head-spinning personnel pick.”
Reaping the worldwind?
Reaping the worldwind?
“The events in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are part of their worldwind tour of several key battleground states over the next few days.”
Reaping the worldwind?
Some Mondays
Some Mondays
A few citations for dark Mondays.
Some Mondays
“Mondays are dark”
“Mondays are dark”
Obviously, I have not spent enough of my life among show people.
“Mondays are dark”
Seeing and smelling
Seeing and smelling
“The judge was smart enough to smell a rat when she saw it”: Representative Tom Tiffany (WI-35), mangling an old idiom at the Merrick Gatland show trial just now.
Seeing and smelling
Mats and mattresses
Mats and mattresses
Going to the mat, going to the mattresses: what’s the difference?
Mats and mattresses
Looking for trouble
Looking for trouble
“I don’t go looking for trouble. It finds me.” How far back does this kind of phrasing go?
Looking for trouble
Carrot and stick
Carrot and stick
That’s What They Say (Michigan Radio) has the idiom covered.
Carrot and stick
“Folks on the ground”
“Folks on the ground”
MSNBC has commentators in Wisconsin today awaiting results in the state’s primary elections. They have been talking to “folks on the ground.” As opposed to — ?
“Folks on the ground”
A petard
A petard
A nice way to illustrate the idea of poetic justice. Also the idea of being hoist with one’s own petard.
A petard
Humble crow
Humble crow
A guest on the PBS NewsHour just now: “That’s why I’m eating humble crow this afternoon.”
Humble crow
Dustin desserts
Dustin desserts
Hayden: “I have to write a paper about the use of idioms.” Ed: “Oh, that’ll be a piece of cake.”
Dustin desserts
Hill, Sam
Hill, Sam
Today, as I strode a main aisle in our friendly neighborhood multinational retailer, an older fellow asked me, “Do you know where in the Sam Hill the mouthwash is?”
Hill, Sam
Idiom of the day: soup up
Idiom of the day: soup up
A clue in yesterday’s Newsday crossword — five letters, “Jazzes (up)” — prompted me to (finally) write a post about “soup up.”
Idiom of the day: soup up
“Giving you a wide berth, son!” I shouted.
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Elaine and I wondered about the pot in go to pot . We had three guesses between us: a chamber pot, a cooking pot, and a pot for a plant.
Idiom of the day: go to pot
“Coming in hot”
“Coming in hot”
I had to ask: is that a midwesternism? A downstate Illinoism?
“Coming in hot”
“I take your question”
“I take your question”
Robert Mueller’s “I take your question” is the most gentlemanly “Go fuck yourself” I’ve ever heard.
“I take your question”