Orange Crate Art

#television #childhood
A genuine misunderstanding
A genuine misunderstanding
Watching Adventures of Superman on WPIX (“channel 11”), I thought that the bad guys and crooks were real bad guys and crooks playing versions of themselves.
A genuine misunderstanding
It would be wonderful to live in the Peppa Pig world, even if only for one five-minute episode.
Pitching Ghostwriter
Pitching Ghostwriter
“Ghostwriter rewards the patient, the loyal, the attentive. If that means some fans will reach adulthood without ever learning who Max Mouse is, so be it.”
Pitching Ghostwriter
Donkey Hodie rides again
Donkey Hodie rides again
Coming to PBS, a new show inspired by Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood: Donkey Hodie, with Purple Panda, Duck Duck, Bob Dog, and Donkey Hodie, the granddaughter of the original Donkey Hodie, now known as Grampy Hodie.
Donkey Hodie rides again
Chuck McCann (1934–2018)
Chuck McCann (1934–2018)
Sandy Becker, Officer Joe Bolton, Sonny Fox, Miss Louise, Chuck McCann, Cap’n Jack McCarthy, and Soupy Sales. O local television!
Chuck McCann (1934–2018)
World Book Things
World Book Things
Five minutes into the first episode of the new season of Stranger Things, I was thrilled to see the World Book Encyclopedia, or at least a partial set, on a shelf in Dustin’s house.
World Book Things
Juvenile delinquents
Juvenile delinquents
“As a kid in Brooklyn, I believed, as did my peers, that there was something called a ‘J. D. card,’ certifying you as a juvenile delinquent. You were supposed to carry the card with you — in an I. D. wallet, no doubt.”
Juvenile delinquents