Orange Crate Art

Dictée writ large
Dictée writ large
“In France, the time-honored tradition of the dictée — or dictation — is alive and well. Recently, 1,700 desks were set up on the Champs Élysées in Paris for the world’s largest dictée session.”
Dictée writ large
Peanuts in French
Peanuts in French
A crossword clue — three letters, “Parisian’s ‘Rats!’” — made me wonder what Charlie Brown says in French. And now I know.
Peanuts in French
Cachou Lajaunie
Cachou Lajaunie
Little French candies. The flavor is kinda ghastly, but the tin’s design is beautiful.
Cachou Lajaunie
Impressionist France
Impressionist France
At the St. Louis Art Museum. The exhibit explores the role of nineteenth-century painters and photographers in the construction of French identity.
Impressionist France