Orange Crate Art

Chock — O! — late.
Healing up
Healing up
was surprised to see “heal up” in the novel Despair.
Healing up
“What emperor?”
“What emperor?”
Alfin the Vague (1873-1918), king of Zembla, Charles Kinbote’s father, “a kind, gentle, absent-minded monarch.”
“What emperor?”
Parisian hand-bills
Parisian hand-bills
Nabokov and Bove: strange to move from one novel to another and find a similar moment, also on a Paris street.
Parisian hand-bills
Mr. Goodman
Mr. Goodman
A passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.
Mr. Goodman
A sentence from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.
Mr. H
Mr. H
A passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.
Mr. H
Beginning King Lear
Beginning King Lear
I was about to teach the first class after a long break. I’d given the students no assignment. So we were going to begin King Lear by reading the play aloud in class. Did the students know that was coming? I don’t think so.
Beginning King Lear
Nabokov, dreaming
Nabokov, dreaming
There is no getting away from grading, not even in dreams, or especially not in dreams.
Nabokov, dreaming