Orange Crate Art

#art #museum
Luis Buñuel, MoMA hiree
Luis Buñuel, MoMA hiree
“When he asked if I was a Communist, I told him I was a Republican, and at the end of the conversation, I found myself working for The Museum of Modern Art.”
Luis Buñuel, MoMA hiree
The small museum
The small museum
Its modesty permits an intimacy of acquaintance that a big-shot museum makes far more difficult.
The small museum
Heads up
Heads up
Whoever designed the posters and their sequence must have put much thought into — and taken much pleasure from — the work.
Heads up
The Armory Show
The Armory Show
The Art Institute of Chicago has online a virtual trek through the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art, the exhibition known as th...
The Armory Show
Farewell, 45 West 53rd
Farewell, 45 West 53rd
“I am reminded of what I have seen in my old Brooklyn neighborhood and my old New Jersey suburb: houses purchased and destroyed so that new owners can build whatever. Intelligent use: not.”
Farewell, 45 West 53rd