Orange Crate Art

Timothy Snyder, from “9 Theses”
Timothy Snyder, from “9 Theses”
As the Kremlin has made clear, “denazification” means “deukrainization,” which is nothing other than the aspiration to genocide.
Timothy Snyder, from “9 Theses”
Mary Miller stands alone
Mary Miller stands alone
The Chicago Tribune reports that Mary Miller (our household’s representative in Congress) is the only member of the Illinois congressional delegation not to denounce Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Mary Miller stands alone
“A great piece of land”
“A great piece of land”
Not a culture, not a history, just “a great piece of land,” with a lot of people on it, and a good price — just “two dollars” in sanctions. It’s the same mentality that let the defeated former president see Greenland as something to buy (or trade Puerto Rico for), and the same mentality that lets him see women as parts to be grabbed at will.
“A great piece of land”
Things fall apart
Things fall apart
“I’ve seen this kind of violence,” said Gail Helt, a former CIA analyst responsible for tracking developments in China and Southeast Asia. “This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It really does unnerve me.”
Things fall apart