Orange Crate Art

#words #idioms
Reaping the worldwind?
Reaping the worldwind?
“The events in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are part of their worldwind tour of several key battleground states over the next few days.”
Reaping the worldwind?
Idiom of the day: soup up
Idiom of the day: soup up
A clue in yesterday’s Newsday crossword — five letters, “Jazzes (up)” — prompted me to (finally) write a post about “soup up.”
Idiom of the day: soup up
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Elaine and I wondered about the pot in go to pot . We had three guesses between us: a chamber pot, a cooking pot, and a pot for a plant.
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Hemming and hawing
Hemming and hawing
I spent some time yesterday hemming and hawing. At least I thought I did. I've always understood hem and haw as a reference to vacillation...
Hemming and hawing