Orange Crate Art

Money, mouth, literally, figuratively
Money, mouth, literally, figuratively
“She’s been an education-reform warrior and has put her money where her mouth is, literally and figuratively, for a very long time.” Meaning ...?
Money, mouth, literally, figuratively
“No worries”
“No worries”
I always thought that “no worries” was a Britishism. And I was unaware of “mate .” And as must be apparent by now, I’ve never watched a Crocodile Dundee movie.
“No worries”
Innocence and idiom
Innocence and idiom
“I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.”
Innocence and idiom
Hemming and hawing
Hemming and hawing
I spent some time yesterday hemming and hawing. At least I thought I did. I've always understood hem and haw as a reference to vacillation...
Hemming and hawing