Orange Crate Art

Block those metaphors
Block those metaphors
“Even as Democratic contenders are well into the process of courting high-ranking and local labor officials, union leaders plan to delay their endorsements as they take the temperature of members on the ground in an attempt to avoid the top-down approach that caused so much heartburn.”
Block those metaphors
New directions in metaphor
New directions in metaphor
New, at least, to me: “Can I double-click on that later?” Meaning, “Can I go into detail about that later?” “Can I wait to explain that?”
New directions in metaphor
Block that metaphor
Block that metaphor
“The tsunami of new words has not so far relieved us of the encroaching corruptions of political vocabulary skewered by Orwell seventy years ago.”
Block that metaphor
“The best witches”
“The best witches”
From a New York Times editorial : “For a witch hunt, Mr. Mueller’s investigation has already bagged a remarkable number of witches.”
“The best witches”
“This tape is a Rosetta stone”: does the metaphor really fit?
At the center
At the center
I turned on the television and heard an MSNBC anchor describe Stormy Daniels as the person “at the center of Michael Cohen’s legal troubles.” No, that would be Michael Cohen.
At the center
Scabs and banjos
Scabs and banjos
Chris Matthews, speaking of Donald Trump on Meet the Press today : “He knows he can find the issues that rip the scab off this cultural divide, and he plays it like a banjo.”
Scabs and banjos
Good cop, bad cop
Good cop, bad cop
This metaphor for a Tillerson–Trump North Korea strategy is, let’s say, faulty. And not merely because there is no evidence of a coordinated strategy.
Good cop, bad cop
Metaphor, off-course
Metaphor, off-course
“Corporate America has become the moral compass that is leading the argument.”
Metaphor, off-course
Extending a metaphor
Extending a metaphor
The shit will continue to hit the fan with tiny fecal hands, knocking the fan off the tabletop (it’s a table fan) and making a mess everywhere.
Extending a metaphor