Orange Crate Art

Fran Lebowitz on voice
Fran Lebowitz on voice
“Even on the phone there’s a difference between a female voice and a male voice.”
Fran Lebowitz on voice
Little Outliner
Little Outliner
“I never make outlines, but I do ask students to map paragraphs using the Christensen method, and Little Outliner is perfect for doing that work on the big screen.”
Little Outliner
William Maxwell on sentences
William Maxwell on sentences
“If a good sentence occurs in an otherwise boring paragraph, I cut it out, rubber-cement it to a sheet of typewriter paper, and put it in a folder. It’s just like catching a fish in a creek.”
William Maxwell on sentences
Browser notepad
Browser notepad
Type this text into your browser’s address bar to create a temporary notepad.
Browser notepad
This fragment lives on my desk, a scrap of fambly papyrus.
“To write, though, is not to sniff for what’s popular but to keep one’s nose to the ground — and to follow wherever it leads.”
“I remember”
“I remember”
The artist and writer Joe Brainard (1942–1994) gave the world a deceptively simple writing prompt: “I remember,” two words to begin a sentence or a paragraph.
“I remember”
From The Waste Books
From The Waste Books
“I forget most of what I have read, just as I do most of what I have eaten, but I know that both contribute no less to the conservation of my mind and my body on that account.”
From The Waste Books
“The Writing Revolution”
“The Writing Revolution”
In the October 2012 Atlantic, Peg Tyre reports on an effort to reimagine the teaching of writing at one Staten Island high school.
“The Writing Revolution”
A Plain Text Primer
A Plain Text Primer
At A Better Mess, Michael Schechter is writing about the benefits of working with plain text files.
A Plain Text Primer
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Recently updated
This American Life has posted video of “Stiff as a Board, Light as a Feather.”
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