Orange Crate Art

Word of the day: sympathist
Word of the day: sympathist
I know what prompted me to choose the word sympathist to describe my regard for the Chicago Cubs.
Word of the day: sympathist
Baseball and silence
Baseball and silence
I know very little about baseball, but it seems to me that the game invites contemplation — watching and waiting and thinking. Joe Buck and company, but especially Buck, sucked all the silence out of the game.
Baseball and silence
Usage tip of the day
Usage tip of the day
The entry for “nice”: from Leddy’s Imaginary Dictionary of Usage (2016).
Usage tip of the day
Word of the day: eclogue
Word of the day: eclogue
Shepherds in eclogues don’t clear much brush. They talk and sing — much more fun.
Word of the day: eclogue
Word of the Day: loll
Word of the Day: loll
Had I known about today’s word earlier in the day, I perhaps wouldn’t have been as willing to spend much of the day clearing brush from the edge of our property (with Elaine).
Word of the Day: loll
Word of the day: spatula
Word of the day: spatula
I will never look at a thin flexible dull-edged usu. metal implement in the same way.
Word of the day: spatula
Something phishy
Something phishy
About e-mail, expletive infixation, and my deep and unerasable misgivings about voting for Hillary Clinton.
Something phishy
Word of the day: any road
Word of the day: any road
“The next song we’d like to sing is our latest record, or our latest electronic noise, depending on whose side you’re on. Any road, we’d like to carry on with it.”
Word of the day: any road
Word of the day: snag
Word of the day: snag
Go out walking in nature preserve. Spot new specimen: snag . The Oxford English Dictionary explains.
Word of the day: snag
WSJ vulgarity
WSJ vulgarity
The Wall Street Journal now allows the printing of vulgarities. The New York Times should follow suit.
WSJ vulgarity
A PBS qua
A PBS qua
Heard this evening on the PBS NewsHour , a reference to David Petraeus sharing classified information with “his mistress qua biographer.”
A PBS qua
“The rehearsal in imagination or memory of the events of a graduation ceremony.”