Orange Crate Art

Homer in Art
Homer in Art
News of an art exhibition: The Legacy of Homer: Four Centuries of Art from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris Princeton Un...
Homer in Art
Hillary Clinton and kleos
Hillary Clinton and kleos
I'm teaching the Iliad and the Odyssey in a four-week summer session for undergraduates: two hours of teaching in the morning, five days a...
Hillary Clinton and kleos
Key word in Homer and yogurt
Paris and Niles Crane
Paris and Niles Crane
In Iliad 13, the Trojan prince Hector, who has been leading an assault on the Greek ships, finds his brother Paris off to the side of battl...
Paris and Niles Crane
Bath, bed, home
Bath, bed, home
Excerpt from an essay on shaving, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and much else
Bath, bed, home
Paris, pretty-boy
Paris, pretty-boy
“Paris, you desperate, womanizing pretty boy!” What is Hector really saying when he rebukes his brother in Iliad 3? I got curious enough th...
Paris, pretty-boy
Translators at work and play
Translators at work and play
Here’s the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa in Odyssey 6 asking her father for the wagon so that she can go down to the river and do the laundry...
Translators at work and play
You can find Daniel Mendelsohn's astute essay on the movie here .