Orange Crate Art

A two-page spread of doodles from Russell M. Arundel’s Everybody’s Pixillated (1937).
Words in movies
Words in movies
From Mr. Deeds Goes to Town: “doodle,” “doodling,” “doodler,” “pixilated.”
Words in movies
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Elaine and I wondered about the pot in go to pot . We had three guesses between us: a chamber pot, a cooking pot, and a pot for a plant.
Idiom of the day: go to pot
Wordsmith as a verb
Wordsmith as a verb
What I think I’m seeing: a noun that gives rise to a gerund that gives rise to a verb.
Wordsmith as a verb
Small pleasures
Small pleasures
House Manager Adam Schiff (D, California-18) today spoke the word copasetic on the Senate floor. And he referenced some famous phrasing from Casablanca : “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,” casting Burisma as Rick’s Café Américain.
Small pleasures
Donald Trump*, in advance of signing his “deal” with China, acknowledging audience members Sheldon and Miriam Adelson: “They’re tremendous supporters of us and the Republican Party.” Us = me, not the country. It’s the presidential plural again.
The presidential plural.
Representative Matt Gaetz (R, Florida-1) just referred to the Rorkshire — or was it Yorkshire? — inkblot test.
Rep. Doug Collins (R, Georgia-9) must really be losing it. He just referred to the Democratic (not “Democrat”) Party.
M-W’s Word of the Day
M-W’s Word of the Day
For an English major of a certain age, sodden , like sempiternal , immediately suggests T.S. Eliot’s “Little Gidding.”
M-W’s Word of the Day
The prodigal failson
The prodigal failson
Last year the word “failsonry” had me stumped. The word I really needed to look up: “failson.”
The prodigal failson
Warfighter on The Late Show
Warfighter on The Late Show
On The Late Show last night, Stephen Colbert commented on the appearance of the word warfighters in a presidential tweet.
Warfighter on The Late Show