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On Willa Cather’s birthday
On Willa Cather’s birthday
Willa Cather was born on this day in 1873. From a letter to William Lyon Phelps, critic and professor, May 29, 1943. Phelps has sent along...
On Willa Cather’s birthday
On Willa Cather’s birthday
On Willa Cather’s birthday
Now will you be my Santa Claus? I want them to have a good Christmas dinner. I know they won’t buy prunes or dried apricots, they felt too poor to get them last year.
On Willa Cather’s birthday
Cather in the Capitol
Cather in the Capitol
I think of Susan Howe’s repudiation of another writer’s characterization of Emily Dickinson: “Who is this Spider-Artist? Not my Emily Dickinson.” Who is this Nebraska nostalgist? Not my Willa Cather.
Cather in the Capitol
After Willa Cather’s birthday
After Willa Cather’s birthday
“I think you make a very usual mistake, however, in defining a writer geographically. Myself, I read a man (or a woman) for the climate of his mind, not for the climates in which he has happened to live.”
After Willa Cather’s birthday
Happy birthday, Willa Cather
Happy birthday, Willa Cather
“Now I don’t often write, even to my dearest friends, about my own work, but you just tuck this away where you can read it”: from a 1934 letter.
Happy birthday, Willa Cather
Happy birthday, Willa Cather
Happy birthday, Willa Cather
In a letter to her brother Roscoe Cather, January 8, 1940, Cather writes about Alfred A. Knopf, who became her publisher in 1920.
Happy birthday, Willa Cather
Cather vs. Trump
Cather vs. Trump
Writing in The New York Times, Bret Stephens suggests Willa Cather’s My Ántonia as “the perfect antidote” to Donald Trump. Well, sorta.
Cather vs. Trump
“A French garden in Hamilton”
“A French garden in Hamilton”
I’ve been trying to decide upon a passage that might interest a reader in Willa Cather’s The Professor’s House, and this paragraph is the best I can do.
“A French garden in Hamilton”
Willa Cather, corrected
Willa Cather, corrected
“Salesmen in New York and Chicago always correct me when I pronounce my own name.”
Willa Cather, corrected